1. "La2O3Mn2Se2: A correlated insulating layered d-wave altermagnet", C. Wei, X. Li, S. Hatt, X. Huai, J. Liu, B. Singh, K. Kim, R. M. Fernandes, P. Cardon, L. Zhao, T. T. Tran, B. A. Frandsen, K. S. Burch, Feng Liu, and H. Ji, Phys. Rev. Mater. 9, 024402 (2025) (localcopy).
  2. "Revealing the Orbital Origins of Exotic Electronic States with Ti Substitution in Kagome Superconductor CsV3Sb5", Z. Huang, H. Chen, H. Tan, X. Han, Y. Ye, B. Hu, Z. Zhao, C. Shen, H. Yang, B. Yan, Z. Wang, Feng Liu, and H. Gao, Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 056001 (2025) (localcopy).
  3. "Ferromagnetic Boundary States in the Hydrogenated Graphene/Nickel Moiré Superlattice", Y. Song, S. Du, Feng Liu, and L. Zhang, Small 2411646 (2025) (localcopy).
  4. "Nanomechanical Characterization of an Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator", S. Liu, S. Chong, D. Kim, A. Vashist, R. Kumar, S. Lee, K. Wang, Z. Mao, Feng Liu, and V. Deshpande, Nano Lett. 25, 973-980 (2025) (localcopy).


  1. "The Hard Ferromagnetism in FePS3 Induced by Non-magnetic Molecular Intercalation", Y. Ou, X. Li, J. Kopaczek, A. Davis, G. Jackson, M. Sayyad, Feng Liu, and S. A. Tongay, Adv. Physics Res. 2400101 (2024) (localcopy).
  2. "High-temperature superconductivity of Pm3¯n Lu4H23 immersed in an as-synthesized lutetium polyhydride", X. Zhang, Z. Liu, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 109, 224511 (2024) (localcopy).
  3. "Large-scale 2D heterostructures from hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks and graphene with distinct Dirac and flat bands", X. Zhang, X. Li, Z. Cheng, A. Chen, P. Wang, X. Wang, X. Lei, Q. Bian, S. Li, B. Yuan, J. Gao, F. Li, M. Pan, and Feng Liu, Nat. Commun. 15, 5934 (2024) (localcopy).
  4. "Ferroelectric topological superconductor: α-In2Se3", X. Zhang, P. Zhao and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 109, 125130 (2024) (localcopy).
  5. "Topological Nodal-Point Superconductivity in Two-Dimensional Ferroelectric Hybrid Perovskites", X. Li, S. Zhang, X. Zhang, Z. V. Vardeny, and Feng Liu, Nano Lett. 24, 2705-2711 (2024) (Front Cover) (localcopy).
  6. "Strain-Tunable Hyperbolic Exciton Polaritons in Monolayer Black Arsenic with Two Exciton Resonances", H. Wang, Y. Zhong, W. Jiang, S. Latini, S. Xia, T. Cui, Z. Li, T. Low, and Feng Liu, Nano Lett. 24, 2057-2062 (2024) (localcopy).
  7. "Graph theorem for chiral exact flat bands at charge neutrality", G. Sethi, B. Xia, D. Kim, H. Liu, X. Li and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 109, 035140 (2024) (localcopy).
  8. "Negative interatomic spring constant manifested by topological phonon flat band", B. Xia, H. Liu and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 109, 054102 (2024) (localcopy).
  9. "Predicting structure-dependent Hubbard U parameters via machine learning", G. Cai, Z. Cao, F. Xie, H. Jia, W. Liu, Y. Wang, Feng Liu, X. Ren, S. Meng and M. Liu, Mater. Futures 3, 025601 (2024) (localcopy).


  1. "Two-dimensional topological insulators: past, present and future", Feng Liu, Coshare Science 01, v3, 1-62 (2023).
  2. "Fe Site Order and Magnetic Properties of Fe1/4NbS2", E. A. Lawrence, X. Huai, D. Kim, M. Avdeev, Y. Chen, G. Skorupskii, A. Miura, A. Ferrenti, M. Waibel, S. Kawaguchi, N. Ng, B. Kaman, Z. Cai, L. Schoop, S. Kushwaha, Feng Liu, T. Tran, and H. Ji, Inorg. Chem. 62, 18179-18188 (2023) (localcopy).
  3. "Anomalous bilayer quantum Hall effect", G. Sethi, D. Sheng and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 108, L161112 (2023) (localcopy).
  4. "Topological superconductivity of line defects in transition metal dichalcogenides", X. Zhang, H. Wang, J. Liu, M. Zhao and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 108, 144101 (2023) (localcopy).
  5. "Topological quantum devices: a review", K. Jin, W. Jiang, G. Sethi and Feng Liu, Nanoscale, 15, 12787 (2023) (localcopy).
  6. "Topological field-effect transistor with quantized ON/OFF conductance of helical/chiral dislocation states", X. Li and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 107, 224101 (2023) (localcopy).
  7. "Realization of flat bands by lattice intercalation in kagome metals", D. Kim and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 107, 205130 (2023) (localcopy).
  8. "A p-orbital honeycomb-Kagome lattice realized in a two-dimensional metal-organic framework", X. Wang, B. Xia, C. Lyu, D. Kim, E. Li, S. Fu, J. Chen, P. Liu, Feng Liu and N. Lin, Commun. Chem. 6, 73 (2023) (localcopy).
  9. "Excitonic Condensate in Flat Valence and Conduction Bands of Opposite Chirality", G. Sethi, M. Cuma, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 186401 (2023) (localcopy).
  10. "Growth of Mesoscale Ordered Two-Dimensional Hydrogen-Bond Organic Framework with the Observation of Flat Band", M. Pan*, X. Zhang*, Y. Zhou*, P. Wang*, Q. Bian, H. Liu, X. Wang, X. Li, A. Chen, X. Lei, S. Li, Z. Cheng, Z. Shao, H. Ding, J. Gao, F. Li, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 036203, Editor's Suggestion (2023) (localcopy).


  1. "Topological Superconductivity Based on Antisymmetric Spin–Orbit Coupling", X. Zhang, J. Liu, and Feng Liu, Nano Lett. 22, 9000 (2022) (localcopy).
  2. "Emergent helical edge states in a hybridized three-dimensional topological insulator", S. K. Chong, L. Liu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, T. D. Sparks, Feng Liu, and V. V. Deshpande, Nat Commun 13, 6386 (2022) (localcopy).
  3. "Structural buckling induced higher-order topology", H. Huang, and Feng Liu, Nat. Sci. Rev. 9, nwab170 (2022) (localcopy).
  4. "Superconductivity and topological aspects of two-dimensional transition-metal monohalides", W. H. Dong, Y. Y. Zhang, Y. F. Zhang, J. T. Sun, Feng Liu, and SX. Du, npj Comput. Mater. 8, 185 (2022) (localcopy).
  5. "Tunable Mott Dirac and Kagome Bands Engineered on 1T-TaS2", D. Lee, K.-H Jin, Feng Liu, and H. W. Yeom, Nano Lett. 22, 7902 (2022) (localcopy).
  6. "A generic dual d-band model for interlayer ferromagnetic coupling in a transition-metal doped MnBi2Te4 family of material", H. Zhang, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, W. Yang, Y. Wang, X. Xu and Feng Liu, Nanoscale 14, 13689 (2022) (localcopy).
  7. "Topological alloy engineering and locally linearized gap dependence on concentration", D. Kim, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 106, 085105 (2022) (localcopy).
  8. "Effective Model for Fractional Topological Corner Modes in Quasicrystals", C. Wang, Feng Liu, and H. Huang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 056403 (2022) (localcopy).
  9. "Excited quantum anomalous and spin Hall effect: dissociation of flat-bands-enabled excitonic insulator state", Y. Zhou*, G. Sethi*, H. Liu, Z. Wang, and Feng Liu, Nanotech. 33, 415001 (2022) (localcopy).
  10. "High-temperature fractional quantum Hall state in the Floquet kagome flat band", H. Liu*, G. Sethi*, D. N. Sheng, Y. Zhou, J. T. Sun, S. Meng, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 105, L161108 (2022) (localcopy).
  11. "Orbital design of flat bands in non-line-graph lattices via line-graph wave functions", H. Liu, G. Sethi, S. Meng, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 105, 085128 (2022) (localcopy).
  12. "Structural Amorphization-Induced Topological Order", C. Wang, T. Cheng, Z. Liu, Feng Liu, and H. Huang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 056401 (2022) (localcopy).
  13. "Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov pairing induced by aWeyl nodal line in an Ising superconductor with a high critical field", X. Zhang, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 105, 024505 (2022) (localcopy).
  14. "Hydrogen induced dislocation core reconstruction in bcc tungsten", Y.-H. Li, H.-B. Zhou, F. Gao, G. Lu, G.-H. Lu, and Feng Liu, Acta Mater. 226, 117622 (2022) (localcopy).
  15. "Engineering of flat bands and Dirac bands in two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks (COFs): relationships among molecular orbital symmetry, lattice symmetry, and electronic-structure characteristics", X. Ni, H. Li, Feng Liu, and J.-L. Bredas, Mater. Horiz. 9, 88 (2022) (localcopy).

2021 (Back to Top)

  1. "Prediction of intrinsic topological superconductivity in Mn-doped GeTe monolayer from first-principles", X. Zhang, K. Jin, J. Mao, M. Zhao, Z. Liu and Feng Liu, npj Quantum Mater. 7, 44 (2021) (localcopy).
  2. "Non-Hermitian topological states in 2D line-graph lattices: Evolving triple exceptional points on reciprocal line graphs", H. Liu, S. Meng, and Feng Liu, New J. Phys. 23, 123038 (2021) (localcopy).
  3. "Enhance Berry Curvature Dipole and Persistent Spin Texture in the Bi(110) Monolayer", K.-H. Jin, E. Oh, R. Stania, Feng Liu, and H. W. Yeom, Nano Lett. 21, 9468 (2021) (localcopy).
  4. "Manipulation of Dirac Fermions in Nanochain-Structured Graphene", W. Dong, D. Bao, J. Sun, Feng Liu, and, S. Du, Chin. Phys. Lett. 38, 097101 (2021) (localcopy).
  5. "Generic Orbital Design of Higher-Order Topological Quasicrystalline Insulators with Odd Five-Fold Rotation Symmetry", H. Huang, J. Fan, D. Li, and Feng Liu, Nano Lett. 21, 7056 (2021) (localcopy).
  6. "Screening two-dimensional materials with topological flat bands", H. Liu, S. Meng and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Mat. 5, 084203 (2021) (localcopy).
  7. "Selective Substrate-Orbital-Filtering Effect to Realize the Large-Gap Quantum Spin Hall Effect", H. Zhang, Y. Wang, W. Yang, J. Zhang, X. Xu, and Feng Liu, Nano Lett. 21, 5828 (2021) (localcopy).
  8. "Density-independent plasmons for terahertz-stable topological metamaterials", J. Wang, X. Sui, W. Duan, Feng Liu, and B. Huang, PNAS 118, 19 (2021) (localcopy).
  9. "Prediction of giant and ideal Rashba-type splitting in ordered alloy monolayers grown on a polar surface", M. Chen, and Feng Liu, Nat. Sci. Rev. 8, 4 (2021) (localcopy).
  10. "Flat-Band-Enabled Triplet Excitonic Insulator in a Diatomic Kagome Lattice", G. Sethi, Y. Zhou, L. Zhu, L. Yang, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 196403 (2021) (localcopy).
  11. "Atomistic Mechanism Underlying the Si(111)−(7×7) Surface Reconstruction Revealed by Artificial Neural-Network Potential", L. Hu, B. Huang, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 176101 (2021) (localcopy).
  12. "Sierpiński Structure and Electronic Topology in Bi Thin Films on InSb(111)B Surfaces", C. Liu, Y. Zhou, G. Wang, Y. Yin, C. Li, H. Huang, D. Guan, Y. Li, S. Wang, H. Zheng, C. Liu, Y. Han, J. W. Evans, Feng Liu, and J. Jia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 176102 (2021) (localcopy).
  13. "Exotic Topological Bands and Quantum States in Metal–Organic and Covalent–Organic Frameworks", W. Jiang, X. Ni, and Feng Liu, Acc. Chem. Res. 54, 416 (2021) (Invited review)(localcopy).
  14. "Prediction of Majorana edge states from magnetized topological surface states", X. Zhang, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 103, 024405 (2021)(localcopy).
  15. "Realization of an Antiferromagnetic Superatomic Graphene: Dirac Mott Insulator and Circular Dichroism Hall Effect", Y. Zhou, and Feng Liu, Nano Lett. 21, 230 (2021)(localcopy).

2020 (Back to Top)

  1. "Inversion/Mirror Symmetry-Protected Dirac Cones in Distorted Ruby Lattices", L. Sun, X. Zhang, H. Gao, J. Liu, Feng liu, and M. Zhao, Chin. Phys. Lett., 37 (12), 127102 (2020) (localcopy).
  2. "Na-functionalized IrTe2 monolayer: Suppressed charge ordering and electric field tuned topological phase transition", X. Li, Feng liu, and Q. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 102, 195420 (2020) (localcopy).
  3. "Folding Graphene into a Chern Insulator with Light Irradiation", G. Zhao, H. Mu, Feng Liu, and Z. Wang, Nano Lett. 20, 5860 (2020)(localcopy).
  4. "Electronic structures of a diagonally striped lattice: Multiple (N−1)-fold degenerate flat bands", X. Ni, J. Yan, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 102, 235117 (2020)(localcopy).
  5. "π-Orbital Yin–Yang Kagome bands in anilato-based metal–organic frameworks", X. Ni, Y. Zhou, G. Sethi, and Feng Liu, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 25827 (2020)(localcopy).
  6. "Fermionic Analogue of High Temperature Hawking Radiation in Black Phosphorus", H. Liu, J-T Sun, C. Song, H. Huang, Feng Liu, and S. Meng, Chin. Phys. Lett., 37, 067101 (2020) (localcopy).
  7. "Honeycomb-Lattice Mott Insulator on Tantalum Disulphide", J. Lee, K-H Jin, A. Catuneanu, A. Go, J. Jung, C. Won, S-W Cheong, J. Kim, Feng Liu, H-Y Kee, and H. Yeom, Phys. Rev. Lett, 125, 096403 (2020) (localcopy).
  8. "1D topological phases in transition-metal monochalcogenide nanowires", K-H Jin and Feng Liu, Nanoscale, 12, 14661 (2020)(localcopy).
  9. "Giant intrinsic circular dichroism of enantiomorphic flat Chern bands and flatband devices", Y. Zhou, G. Sethi, C. Zhang, X. Ni, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B, 102, 125115 (2020) (localcopy).
  10. "A Unified View of Topological Phase Transition in Band Theory", H. Huang, and Feng Liu, Research, 7832610 (2020) (localcopy).
  11. "Magneto-Optical Detection of Photoinduced Magnetism via Chirality-Induced Spin Selectivity in 2D Chiral Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites", Z. Huang, B. Bloom, X. Ni, Z. Georgieva, M. Marciesky, E. Vetter, Feng Liu, D. Waldeck, and D. Sun. ACS Nano, 14, 10370 (2020) (localcopy).
  12. "Prediction of room-temperature multiferroicity in strained MoCr2S6 monolayer", L-Z Liu, K-H Jin, and Feng Liu, J. Appl. Phys. 127, 155302 (2020) (localcopy).
  13. "Magnetic Weyl semimetals with diamond structure realized in spinel compounds", W. Jiang, H. Huang, Feng Liu, J-P Wang and T. Low, Phys. Rev. B 101, 121113(R) (2020) (localcopy).
  14. "Theory of Epitaxial Growth of Borophene on Layered Electride: Thermodynamic Stability and Kinetic Pathway", X. Ni, H. Huang, K-H Jin, Z. Wang and Feng Liu, J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 6063 (2020) (localcopy).
  15. "Robustness of topological insulating phase against vacancy, vacancy cluster, and grain boundary bulk defects", X. Ni, H. Huang and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 101, 125114 (2020) (localcopy).
  16. "Topological Band Engineering of Lieb Lattice in Phthalocyanine-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks", W. Jiang, S. Zhang, Z. wang, Feng Liu and T. Low, Nano Lett., 20, 3, 1959 (2020) (localcopy).
  17. "Site‐Controlled Uniform Ge/Si Hut Wires with Electrically Tunable Spin–Orbit Coupling", F. Gao, J-H Wang, H. Watzinger, H. Hu, M. J. Rančić, J-Y Zhang, T. Wang, Y. Yao, G-L Wang, J. Kukučka, L. Vukušić, C. Kloeffel, D. Loss, Feng Liu, G. Katsaros, J-J Zhang, Adv. Mater., 32(16), 1906523 (2020) (localcopy).
  18. "Doping-induced topological phase transition in Bi: The role of quantum electronic stress", K-H Jin, H. Yeom, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 101, 035111 (2020) (localcopy).
  19. "Aperiodic topological crystalline insulators", H. Huang, Y-S Wu, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 100, 041103(R) (2020) (localcopy).

2019 (Back to Top)

  1. "Observation of topological surface states in the high-temperature superconductor MgB2", X. Zhou, K. Gordon, K-H Jin, H. Li, D. Narayan, H. Zhao, H. Zheng, H. Huang, G. Gao, N. Zhigadlo, Feng Liu, and D. Dessau, Phys. Rev. B 100, 184511 (2019) (localcopy).
  2. "Orbital design of topological insulators from two-dimensional semiconductors", L. Gao, J. Sun, G. Sethi, Y. Zhang, S. Du, and Feng Liu, Nanoscale, 11, 22743 (2019) (localcopy).
  3. "Anomalous Dirac Plasmons in 1D Topological Electrides", J. Wang, X. Sun, S. Gao, W. Duan, Feng Liu, and B. Huang, Phys. Rev. Lett., 123, 206402 (2019) (localcopy).
  4. "Energy barriers for Pb adatom diffusion on stepped ultrathin Pb(111) quantum nanofilms: First-principles calculations", Y. Han, J. W. Evans, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 100, 195405 (2019) (localcopy).
  5. "Enhancing superconductivity in bulk β−Bi2Pd by negative pressure induced by quantum electronic stress", X. Zhang, M. Zhang and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 100, 104527 (2019) (localcopy).
  6. "Unidirectional Spin−Orbit Interaction Induced by the Line Defect in Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for High-Performance Devices", X. Li, S. Zhang, H. Huang, L. Hu, Feng Liu and Q. Wang, Nano Lett., 19, 6005-6012, (2019) (localcopy).
  7. "Electron-nuclear hyperfine coupling in quantum kagome antiferromagnets from first-principles calculation and a reflection of the defect effect", S. Zhang, Y. Zhou, Feng Liu, and Z. Liu, Science Bulletin 64, 1584 (2019) (localcopy).
  8. "Comparison of quantum spin Hall states in quasicrystals and crystals", H. Huang and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B., 100, 085119 (2019) (localcopy).
  9. "Polaronic Resistive Switching in Ceria-Based Memory Devices", L. Sun, X. Hao, Q. Meng, L. Wang, Feng Liu and M. Zhou, Adv. Electron. Mater., 5(10), 1900271 (2019) (localcopy).
  10. "Weyl points created by a three-dimensional flat band", Y. Zhou, K-H Jin, H. Huang, Z. Wang and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B., 99, 201105(R) (2019) (localcopy).
  11. "A Lieb-like lattice in a covalent-organic framework and its Stoner ferromagnetism", W. Jiang, H. Huang and Feng Liu, Nature Commun., 10, 2207 (2019) (localcopy).
  12. "Topological superconducting phase in high-Tc superconductor MgB2 with Dirac–nodal-line fermions", K-H Jin, H. Huang, J-W Mei, Z. Liu, L-K Lim and Feng Liu, npj Computational Materials, 5, 57 (2019) (localcopy).
  13. "A 2D nonsymmorphic Dirac semimetal in a chemically modified group-VA monolayer with a black phosphorene structure", K-H Jin, H. Huang, Z. Wang and Feng Liu, Nanoscale, 11, 7256 (2019) (localcopy).
  14. "Valley splitting in the van der Waals heterostructure WSe2/CrI3: The role of atom superposition", Z. Zhang, X. Ni, H. Huang, L. Hu and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B., 99, 115441 (2019) (localcopy).
  15. "Topological band evolution between Lieb and kagome lattices", W. Jiang, M. Kang, H. Huang, H. Xu, T. Low and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B., 99, 125131 (2019) (localcopy).
  16. "Kagome bands disguised in a coloring-triangle lattice", S. Zhang, M. Kang, H. Huang, W. Jiang, X. Ni, L. Kang, S. Zhang, H. Xu, Z. Liu and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B., 99, 100404(R) (2019) (localcopy).
  17. "A 3D percolation model for multicomponent nanocarbon composites: the critical role of nematic transition", X. Ni, C. Hui, N. Su, R. Cutler and Feng Liu, Nanotechnology, 30, 185302 (2019)(localcopy).
  18. "Dichotomy between frustrated local spins and conjugated electrons in a two-dimensional metal-organic framework", W. Jiang, Z. Liu, J-W Mei, B. Cui and Feng Liu, Nanoscale, 11, 955 (2019) (localcopy).

2018 (Back to Top)

  1. "Intrinsic Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect with In-Plane Magnetization: Searching Rule and Material Prediction", Z. Liu, G. Zhao, Z. F. Wang, J. Yang and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 246401, Editor's Suggestion, (2018) (localcopy).
  2. "Incident wavelength and polarization dependence of spectral shifts in β-Ga2O3 UV photoluminescence", Y. Wang, P. T. Dickens, J. B. Varley, X. Ni, E. Lotubai, S. Sprawls, Feng Liu, V. Lordi, S. Krishnamoorthy, S. Blair, K. G. Lynn, M. Scarpulla and B. Sensale-Rodriguez, Sci. Rep., 8, 18075 (2018) (localcopy).
  3. "Cyano-Based Materials with Giant Optical Anisotropy and Second Harmonic-Generation Effect", L. Kang, F. Liang, Z. Lin, Feng Liu and B. Huang, Inorg. Chem., 57, 15001-15008 (2018) (localcopy).
  4. "Removal of A‑Site Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Cations in KBe2BO3F2-Type Layered Structures To Enhance the Deep-Ultraviolet Nonlinear Optical Capability", L. Kang, Z. Lin, Feng Liu, and B. Huang, Inorg. Chem., 57, 11146-11156 (2018) (localcopy).
  5. "Significantly enhanced magnetoresistance in monolayer WTe2 via heterojunction engineering: a first-principles study", L. Hu, L. Kang, J. Yang, B. Huang and Feng Liu, 2018 Nanoscale HOT Article Collection and Editor’s Choice: van der Waals heterostructures, Nanoscale, 10, 22231 (2018) (localcopy).
  6. "Pseudo Dirac nodal sphere semimetal", J. Wang, Y. Liu, K-H Jin, X. Sui, L. Zhang, W. Duan, Feng Liu and B. Huang, Phys. Rev. B., 98, 201112(R) (2018) (localcopy).
  7. "Black-hole horizon in the Dirac semimetal Zn2In2S5", H. Huang, K-H Jin and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B., 98, 121110(R) (2018) (localcopy).
  8. "Quantum Spin Hall Effect and Spin Bott Index in a Quasicrystal Lattice", H. Huang and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 126401, Editor's Suggestion, (2018) (localcopy).
  9. "Theory of spin Bott index for quantum spin Hall states in nonperiodic systems", H. Huang and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B., 98, 12513, Editor's Suggestion,(2018) (localcopy).
  10. "Band gap reduction in van der Waals layered 2D materials via a de-charge transfer mechanism", C. Zhang, H. Huang, X. Ni, Y. Zhou, L. Kang, W. Jiang, H. Chen, J. Zhang and Feng Liu. Nanoscale, 10, 16759 (2018)(localcopy).
  11. "Li doped kagome spin liquid compounds",W. Jiang, H. Huang, J-W Mei and Feng Liu, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 21693 (2018) (localcopy).
  12. "Ubiquitous Spin-Orbit Coupling in a Screw Dislocation with High Spin Coherency", L. Hu, H. Huang, Z. Wang, W. Jiang, X. Ni, Y. Zhou, V. Zielasek, M. G. Lagally, B. Huang and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett, 121, 066401, Editor's Suggestion, Featured in Physics, (2018).(localcopy).
  13. "Two Novel Deep-Ultraviolet Nonlinear Optical Crystals with Shorter Phase-Matching Second Harmonic Generation than KBe2BO3F2: A First-Principles Prediction", L. Kang, F. Liang, P. Gong, Z. Lin, Feng Liu and B. Huang, Phys. Status Solodi RRL, 1800276 (2018). (localcopy).
  14. "Tunable topological semimetal states with ultraflat nodal rings in strained YN", H. Huang, W. Jiang, K-H, Jin and Feng liu, Phys. Rev. B. 98, 045131 (2018). (localcopy).
  15. "Intrinsic quantum anomalous hall effect in a two dimensional anilato-based lattice", X. Ni, W. Jiang, H. Huang, K-H Jin and Feng Liu, Nanoscale, 10, 11901 (2018). (localcopy).
  16. "Photoinduced Nonequilibrium Topological States in Strained Black Phosphorus", H. Liu. J. Sun, C. Cheng, Feng Liu and S. Meng, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 237403 (2018). (localcopy).
  17. "Prediction of two-dimensional nodal-line semimetals in a carbon nitride covalent network", H. Chen, S. Zhang, W, Jiang, C. Zhang, H. Guo, Z. Liu, Z. Wang, Feng Liu and X. Niu, J. Mater. Chem. A, 6, 11252 (2018). (localcopy).
  18. "Pressure-induced organic topological nodal-line semimetal in the three-dimensional molecular crystal Pd(dddt)2", Z. Liu, H. Wang, Z. F. Wang, J. Yang and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B. 97, 155137 (2018). (localcopy).
  19. "Light-Induced Type-II Band Inversion and Quantum Anomalous Hall State in Monolayer FeSe", Z. F. Wang, Z. Liu, J. Yang and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 156406 (2018). (localcopy).
  20. "Alloy Engineering of Topological Semimetal Phase Transition in MgTa2−xNbxN3", H. Huang, K-H Jin and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 136403 (2018). (localcopy).
  21. "Formation of a large gap quantum spin Hall phase in a 2D trigonal lattice with three p-orbitals", C. Li, K-H Jin, S. Zhang, F. Wang, Y. Jia and Feng Liu, Nanoscale. 10, 5496-5502 (2018). (localcopy).
  22. "Topological Electride Y2C",H. Huang, K-H, Jin, S. Zhang and Feng Liu, Nano Lett. 18, 1972-1977 (2018). (localcopy).
  23. "Topological states in a two-dimensional metal alloy in Si surface: BiAg/Si(111)-4×4 surface", X. M. Zhang, B. Cui, M. Zhao and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B, 97, 085422 (2018). (localcopy).
  24. "Kane Fermion in a Two-Dimensional π‑Conjugated Bis(iminothiolato)nickel Monolayer", A. Wang, X. Zhao, M. Zhao, X. Zhao, Y. Feng and Feng Liu, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9, 614−619 (2018). (localcopy).
  25. "Prediction of large gap flat Chern band in a two-dimensional metal-organic framework", N. Su, W. Jiang, Z. F. Wang and Feng Liu, Appl. Phys. Lett., 112, 033301 (2018). (localcopy) .
  26. "Monte Carlo simulations of electrical percolation in multicomponent thin films with nano fillers", X. Ni, C. Hui, N. Su, W. Jiang and Feng Liu, Nanotechnology 29, 075401 (2018). (localcopy) .
  27. "Oxidation-promoted Interfacial Synthesis of Redox-active Bis(diimino)nickel Nanosheet", E. J. H. Phua, K-H Wu, K. Wada, T. Kusamoto, H. Maeda, J. Cao, R. Sakamoto, S. Sasaki, J-W. Mei, W. Jiang, Feng Liu and H. Nishihara, Chem. Lett., 47, 2 (2018). (localcopy)

2017 (Back to Top)

  1. "Prediction of Ideal Topological Semimetals with Triply Degenerate Points in the NaCu3Te2 Family", J. Wang, X. Sui, W. Shi, J. Pan, S. Zhang, Feng Liu, S.-H. Wei, Q. Yan, and B. Huang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 256402 (2017). (localcopy) .
  2. "Absence of quantum anomalous Hall state in 4d transition-metal-doped Bi2Se3: An ab initio study", B. Deng, Feng Liu, and J. Zhu, Phys. Rev. B 96, 174404 (2017). (localcopy) .
  3. "Electronic and spin dynamics in the insulating iron pnictide NaFe0.5Cu0.5As", S. Zhang, Y. He, J.-W. Mei, Feng Liu, and Z. Liu, Phys. Rev. B 96, 245128 (2017). (localcopy) .
  4. "Nanostructured topological state in bismuth nanotube arrays: inverting bonding–antibonding levels of molecular orbitals", K-H Jin, S-H Jhi and Feng Liu.Nanoscale, 9, 16638 (2017) (localcopy) .
  5. "Thickness-dependent energetics for Pb adatoms on low-index Pb nanofilm surfaces: First-principles calculations", W. Li, L. Huang, R. G. S. Pala, G. Lu, Feng Liu, J. Evans and Y. Han.Phys. Rev. B 96, 205409 (2017) (localcopy) .
  6. "Bis(aminothiolato)nickel nanosheet as a redox switch for conductivity and an electrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction", X. Sun, K. Wu, R. Sakamoto, T. Kusamoto, H. Maeda, X. Ni, W. Jiang, Feng Liu, S. Sasaki, H. Masunage and H. Nishihara. Chem. Sci. Advance Article, 8, 8078-8085 (2017)(localcopy).
  7. "Multivalency-Driven Formation of Te-Based Monolayer Materials: A Combined First-Principles and Experimental study",Z. Zhu, X. Cai, S. Yi, J. Chen, Y. Dai C. Niu, Z. Guo, M. Xie, Feng Liu, J. Cho, Y. Jia and Z. Zhang. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 106101 (2017) (localcopy) .
  8. "Theoretical Discovery of a Superconducting Two-Dimensional Metal−Organic Framework", X. Zhang, Y. Zhou, B. Cui, M. Zhao and Feng Liu. Nano Lett. 17 (10), pp 6166–6170 (2017) (localcopy).
  9. "Giant lattice expansion by quantum stress and universal atomic forces in semiconductors under instant ultrafast laser excitation", N. Chen, D. Han, X. Li, Feng Liu, J. Bang, X. Wang, Q. Chen, H. Wang, S. Zhang and H. Sun. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19, 24735 (2017)(localcopy).
  10. "Topological nodal-line semimetal in nonsymmorphic Cmce-phase Ag2S",H. Huang, K-H Jin and Feng Liu. Phys. Rev. B 96, 115106 (2017) (localcopy) .
  11. "Atomically Abrupt Topological p−n Junction",S. Kim, K-H Jin, B. Kho, B. Park Feng Liu J. Kim, H. Yeom. ACS Nano, 11 (10), pp 9671–9677 (2017) (localcopy) .
  12. " Creation of half-metallic f-orbital Dirac fermion with superlight elements in orbital-designed molecular lattice", B. Cui, B. Huang, C. Li, X. Zhang, K-H Jin, L. Zhang, W. Jiang, D. Liu, and Feng Liu. Phys. Rev. B 96, 085134 (2017) (localcopy) .
  13. "Spin fluctuation induced linear magnetoresistance in ultrathin superconducting FeSe films", Q. Wang, W. Zhang, W. Chen, Y. Xing, Y. Sun, Z. Wang, J. Mei, Z. Wang, L. Wang, X. Ma, Feng Liu, Q. Xue and J. Wang. 2D Mater. 4, 034004 (2017) (localcopy).
  14. "Tuning interfacial spin filters from metallic to resistive within a single organic semiconductor family", J. Wang, A. Deloach, W. Jiang, C. M. Papa, M. Myahkostupov, F. N. Castellano, Feng Liu and D. B. Dougherty. Phys. Rev. B, 95, 241410(R) (2017) (localcopy).
  15. "Gapped Spin-1/2 Spinon Excitations in a New Kagome Quantum Spin Liquid Compound Cu3 Zn(OH)6FBr", Z. Feng, Z. Li, X. Meng, W. Yi, Y. Wei, J. Zhang, Y. C. Wang, W. Jiang, Z. Liu, S. Li, Feng Liu, J. Luo, S. Li, G.Zheng, Z. Y. Meng J. W. Mei and Y. Shi. Chin. Phys. Lett., 34, 7, 077502 (2017) (localcopy).
  16. "Gallium platinum alloys -- a new material system for UV plasmonics", T. Zhang, Y. Wang, K. Appusamy, B. Huang, J. Wang, Feng Liu, S. Blair, S. Guruswamy and A. Nahata. Optical Materials Express, 7, 2883 (2017) (localcopy).
  17. " Quantum Spin Hall Effect and Tunable Spin Transport in As-Graphane", L. Zhang, F. Zhai, K-H Jin, B. Cui, B. Huang, Z. Zhang, J. Lu and Feng Liu. Nano Lett, 17 (7), 4359–4364 (2017) (localcopy).
  18. "Bending strain engineering in quantum spin hall system for controlling spin currents", B. Huang, K-H Jin, B. Cui, F. Zhai, J. Mei and Feng Liu. Nature Commun., 8, 15850 (2017) (localcopy).
  19. "π conjugation in the epitaxial Si(111)-(√3× √3) surface: Unconventional “bamboo hat” bonding geometry for Si", W. Jiang, Z. Liu, M. Zhou, X. Ni and Feng Liu. Phys. Rev. B, 95, 241405(R) (2017) (localcopy).
  20. "Tensile strained gray tin: Dirac semimetal for observing negative magnetoresistance with Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations", H. Huang and Feng Liu. Phys. Rev. B, 95, 201101(R) (2017) (localcopy).
  21. "Computational design of two-dimensional topological materials", Z. F. Wang, K-H Jin and Feng Liu. WIREs Comput Mol Sci, 7, 4, e1304. (localcopy) (invited review).
  22. "Pulse laser induced graphite-to-diamond phase transition: the role of quantum electronic stress", Z. F. Wang and Feng Liu. Sci. Chi. Phys., 60(2),026811, 2017.
  23. "Spintronic detection of interfacial magnetic switching in a paramagnetic thin film of tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)iron(III)", D. Sun, C. M. Kareis, K. J. van Schooten, W. Jiang, G. Siegel, M. Kavand, R. A. Davidson, W. W. Shum, C. Zhang, H. Liu, A. Tiwari, C. Boehme, Feng Liu, P. W. Stephens, J. S. Miller and Z. V. Vardeny. Phys. Rev. B, 95, 054423 (2017) (localcopy).

2016 (Back to Top)

  1. "Large-Gap Quantum Spin Hall State in MXenes: d‑Band Topological Order in a Triangular Lattice", C. Si ,K-H Jin, J. Zhou, Z. Sun, and Feng Liu. Nano Lett. 16, 6584 (2016) (localcopy).
  2. "Direction-Controlled Light-Driven Movement of Microribbons", Y. Zhang , C. Peng , B. Cui , Z. Wang , X. Pang , R. Ma , Y. Che, and J. Zhao and Feng Liu. Adv. Mater. 28, 8538 (2016) (localcopy).
  3. "Spin-polarized valley Hall effect in ultrathin silicon nanomembrane via interlayer antiferromagnetic coupling", J. T. Sun, Z. F. Wang, S. Meng, S. Du, Feng Liu and H. J. Gao, 2D Mater, 3, 035026 (2016) (localcopy).
  4. "Effect of Chlorine Substitution on Lattice Distortion and Ferroelectricity of CH3NH3PbI3", W. L. Yan, G. H. Lu and Feng Liu, J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 17972 (2016) (localcopy).
  5. "Tunable Topological States in Electron-doped HTT-Pt", X. M. Zhang, Z. Wang, M. Zhao and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B, 93, 165401 (2016) (localcopy).
  6. "Quantum Spin Hall Phase in 2D Trigonal Lattice", Z. F. Wang, K. H. Jin and Feng Liu, Nature Commun., 7, 12746 (2016) (localcopy).
  7. "Topological Edge States in High-Temperature Superconductor FeSe/SrTiO3(001) Film", Z. F. Wang, H. Zhang, D. Liu, C. liu, C. Tang, C. Song, Y. Zhong, J. Peng, F. Li, C. Nie, L, Wang, X. J. Zhou, X, Ma, Q. K. Xue and Feng Liu, Nature Mat., 15, 968 (2016) (localcopy).
  8. "Electrophobic interaction induced impurity clustering in metals", H. Zhou, J. Wang, W. Jiang, G. Hu, J. Aguiar, Feng Liu, Acta Materialia, 119, 1 (2016) (localcopy) .
  9. "Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)iron(III) molecules and their magnetic coupling with ferromagnetic surface: first-principles study", W. Jiang, M. Zhou, Z. Liu, D. Sun, Z. V. Vardeny and Feng Liu, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28, 176004 (2016) (localcopy).
  10. "Engineering Electronic Structure of a Two-Dimensional Topological Insulator Bi(111) Bilayer on Sb Nano fi lms by Quantum Confinement Effect", G. Bian, Z. Wang, X. Wang, C. Xu, S. Xu, T. Miller, M. Hasan, Feng Liu and T. Chiang, ACS Nano 10, 3859 (2016) (localcopy).
  11. "Electronic structure evolution of single bilayer Bi(111) film on 3D topological insulator Bi2SexTe3−x surfaces", T. Lei, K. Jin, N. Zhang, J. Zhao, C. Liu, W. Li, J. Wang, R. Wu, H. Qian, Feng Liu and K. Ibrahim, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28, 255501 (2016) (localcopy).
  12. "Graphene processing using electron beam assisted metal deposition and masked chemical vapor deposition growth", A. Merrell and Feng Liu, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 34, 4 (2016) (localcopy).
  13. "Intrinsic Two-Dimensional Organic Topological Insulators in Metal-Dicyanoanthracene Lattices", L. Zhang, Z. Wang, B. Huang, B. Cui, Z. Wang, S. Du, H. Gao and Feng Liu, Nano Lett., 16, 2072 (2016) (localcopy).
  14. "Formaiton of a quantum spin Hall state on a Ge(111) surface", P. Li, M. Zhou, L. Zhang, Y. Guo and Feng Liu, Nanotechnology, 27, 095703 (2016) (localcopy).
  15. "Thickness dependence of surface energy and contact angle of water droplets on ultrathin MoS2 films", Y. Guo, Z. Wang, L. Zhang, X. Shen and Feng Liu, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 14449 (2016) (localcopy).
  16. "Interface Orbital Engineering of Large-gap Topological States: Decorating Gold on a Si(111) Surface", B. Huang, K Jin, H. Zhuang, L. Zhang and Feng Liu. Phys. Rev. B, 93, 115117 (2016) (localcopy) .
  17. "First-principles Study on Surface Stability of Tantalum Carbides", W. L. Yan, M. Sygnatowics, G. H. Lu, Feng Liu, D. K. Shetty. Surf. Sci., 644, 24 (2016) (localcopy).
  18. "Strain engineering of graphene: a review", C. Si, Z. Sun and Feng Liu. Nanoscale, 8, 3207 ( 2016) (Invited Review) (localcopy).
  19. "Formation of Ideal Rashba States on Layered Semiconductor Surfaces Steered by Strain Engineering", W. Ming, Z. Wang, M. Zhou, M. Yoon and Feng Liu. Nano Lett., 16, 404 (2016) (localcopy).

2015 (Back to Top)

  1. "Evolution of the electronic structure in ultrathin Bi(111) films", L. Miao, M.-Y. Yao, W. Ming, F. Zhu, C. Q. Han, Z. F. Wang, D. D. Guan, C. L. Gao, C. Liu, Feng Liu, D. Qian, and J.-F. Jia. Phys. Rev. B, 91, 205414 (2015) (localcopy).
  2. "Selectively doping barlowite for quantum spin liquid: A first-principles study", Z. Liu, X. Zou, J. Mei and Feng Liu. Phys. Rev. B, 92, 220102 (2015) (localcopy).
  3. "Surface Confined Quantum Well State in MoS2(0001) Thin Film", J. T. Sun, S. R. Meng, S. X. Du, F. Liu and H. J. Gao. Appl. Phys. Lett., 107, 161602 (2015) (localcopy).
  4. "First-principles Study of the Organometallic S=1/2 Kagome Compound Cu(1,3-bdc)", Z. Liu, J. W. Mei and Feng Liu. Phys. Rev. B, 92, 165101 (2015) (localcopy).
  5. "Tailoring Graphene-based Eletrodes from Semiconducting to Metallic to Increase the Energy Density in Supercapacitors", J. Vatamanu, X. Ni, F. Liu and D. Bedrov. Nanotechnology, 26, 464001 (2015) (localcopy).
  6. "Alloy Engineering of Defect Peoperties in Semiconductors: Suppression of Deep Levels in Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides", B. Huang, M Yoon, B. G. Sumpter, S. H. Wei and Feng Liu. Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 126806 (2015) (localcopy) .
  7. "Self-Assembled Si(111) Surface States: 2D Dirac Materials for THs Plasmonics", Z. F. Wang, and Feng Liu. Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 026803 (2015) (localcopy).
  8. "Mechanical Modeling of Graphene Using the Three-layer-mesh Bridging Domain Method", A. Sadeghirad, N. H. Su and Feng Liu. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 294, 278 (2015) (localcopy).
  9. "Highly Anisotropic Dirac Fermions in Square Graphynes", L. Z. Zhang, Z. F. Wang, Z. M. Wang, S. X. Du, H. J. Gao, and Feng Liu. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 6, 2959 (2015) (localcopy) .
  10. "Quantum Hook's Law to Classify Pulse Laser Induced Ultrafast Melting", H. Hu, H. Ding and Feng Liu, Sci. Rep. 5. 8212 (2015) (localcopy) .

2014 (Back to Top)

  1. "Tuning Topological Edge States of Bi(111) Bilayer Film by Edge Adsorption", Z. F. Wang, Li Chen, and Feng Liu, Nano Lett., 14, 2879 (2014) (localcopy).
  2. "Improved Grain Boundary Conductivity By Post Annealing: Minimizing Vacancy Depletion through Non-Equilibrium Distribution of Immobile Species", L. Zhang, L. Zhu, Feng Liu, A. V. Virkar, ECS Trans., 61, 139 (2014) (localcopy).
  3. "A Study of Gadolinia-Doped Ceria Electrolyte by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy", L. Zhang, Feng Liu, K. Brinkman, K. L. Reifsnider, A. V. Virkar, J. Power Sources, 247, 947 (2014) (localcopy).
  4. "Half metal in two-dimensional hexagonal organometallic framework", H. Hu, Z. Wang and Feng Liu, Discover Nano, 9, 690 (2014) (localcopy)
  5. "sd2 Graphene: Kagome Band in Hexagonal lattice", M. Zhou, Z. Liu, Wenmei Ming, Z. Wang and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 236802 (2014) (localcopy).
  6. "Epitaxial growth of large-gap quantum spin Hall insulator on semiconductor surface", Miao Zhou, Wenmei Ming, Zheng Liu, Zhengfei Wang, Ping Li, Feng Liu, PNAS 111, 14378 (2014) (localcopy).
  7. "Redox Control and High Conductivity of Nickel Bis(dithiolene) Complex π-Nanosheet: A Potential Organic Two-Dimensional Topological Insulator", T. Kambe, R. Sakamoto, T. Kusamoto, T. Pal, N. Fukui, K. Hoshiko, T. Shimojima, Z. Wang, T. Hirahara, K. Ishizaka, S. Hasegawa, Feng Liu, and H. Nishihara, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 136, 14357 (2014) (localcopy).
  8. "Formation of quantum spin Hall state on Si surface and energy gap scaling with strength of spin orbit coupling", M. Zhou, Wenmei Ming, Z. Liu, Z. Wang, Y. Yao, and Feng Liu, Sci. Rep. 4, 7102 (2014) (arXiv:1401.3392) (localcopy).
  9. "Exceptional Optoelectronic Properties of Hydrogenated Bilayer Silicene", B. Huang, H. X. Deng, H. Lee, M. Yoon, B. G. Sumpter, Feng Liu, S. C. Smith and S. H. Wei, Phys. Rev. X, 4, 021029 (2014) (localcopy).
  10. "Quantum size effect on dielectric function of ultrathin metal film: a first-principles study of Al(111)", Wenmei Ming, S. Blair and Feng Liu, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 26, 505302 (2014) (localcopy).
  11. “Prediction of a Dirac state in monolayer TiB2”, L. Z. Zhang, Z. F. Wang, S. X. Du, H.-J. Gao and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 90, 161402(R) (2014) (localcopy).
  12. "Giant room-temperature spin caloritronics in spin-semiconducting graphene nanoribbons", X. Chen, Y. Liu, B. L. Gu, W. Duan and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 90, 121403(R) (2014) (localcopy).
  13. "Tuning nucleation density of metal island with charge doping of graphene substrate",Wenmei Ming and Feng Liu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 071609 (2014) (localcopy).
  14. "Curved carbon nanotubes: From unique geometries to novel properties and peculiar applications", L. Liu, Feng Liu, and J. Zhao, Nano Res. 7, 626 (2014) (localcopy).
  15. "Understanding graphene production by ionic surfactant exfoliation: A molecular dynamics simulation study", P. Yang and Feng Liu, J. Appl. Phys. 116, 014304 (2014) (localcopy).
  16.  "Density-functional-theory formulation of classical and quantum Hooke’s law", H. Hu and Feng Liu, Sci China Tech Sci, 57 692 (2014): doi: 10.1007/s11431-014-5500-x (Invited Review) (localcopy).
  17. "Tuning Topological Edge States of Bi(111) Bilayer Film by Edge Adsorption", Z. F. Wang, Li Chen, and Feng Liu, Nano Lett., 14, 2879 (2014) (localcopy).
  18. "A Study of Gadolinia-Doped Ceria Electrolyte by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy", L. Zhang, Feng Liu, K. Brinkman, K. L. Reifsnider, A. V. Virkar, J. Power Sources, 247, 947 (2014) (localcopy).
  19. "Orbit- and Atom-Resolved Spin Textures of Intrinsic, Extrinsic and Hybridized Dirac Cone States", L. Miao, Z.F. Wang, C.L. Gao, C. Liu, Feng Liu, D. Qiang, J.F. Jia, Phys. Rev. B 89, 155116 (2014) (localcopy).
  20. "Exotic electronic states in the world of flat bands:From theory to material", Z. Liu, Feng Liu, and Y.-S. Wu, Chin. Phys. B 23, 077308 (2014) (Invited Review) (localcopy).
  21. "Quantum Manifestation of Elastic Constants in Nanostructures", M. Liu and Feng Liu, Nanotechnology 25, 135706 (2014) (localcopy).
  22. "A large-area 15 nm graphene nanoribbon array patterned by a focused ion beam", Y. Zhang, C. Hui, R. Sun, K. Li, K. He, X. Ma and Feng Liu, Nanotechnology 25, 135301 (2014) (localcopy).
  23. "Strain tuning of native defect populations: the case of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4", J. Zhu, Feng Liu and M. Scarpulla, APL Materials 2, 012110 (2014) (localcopy).
  24. "Predicting organic topological materials", F. Liu, J. Wu, Natl Sci Rev 1, 32 (2014) (localcopy).
  25. "A three-layer-mesh bridging domain for coupled atomistic–continuum simulations at finite temperature: Formulation and testing", A. Sadeghirad, F. Liu, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 268, 299 (2014) (localcopy).

2013 (Back to Top)

  1. "Investigation of Gadolinia-Doped Ceria (GDC) Electrolyte by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy", L. Zhang, Feng Liu, K. Brinkman, A.V. Virkar, ECS Trans. 50, 23 (2013) (localcopy).
  2. "Electrochemical Measurements on Cells, I: Simulation of Potential Distribution with an Embedded Probe", L. Zhang, Feng Liu, A.V. Virkar, ECS Trans. 58, 79 (2013) (localcopy).
  3. "Topological edge states and electronic structures of a 2D topological insulator: Single-bilayer Bi (111)", C. Gao, D. Qian, C. Liu, J. Jia, Feng Liu, Chinese Phys. B 22, 067304 (2013) (localcopy).
  4.  "Effect of surfactant Sb on In incorporation and thin film morphology of InGaN layers grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy", J. L. Merrell, Feng Liu, and G. B. Stringfellow, J. Crys. Growth, 375, 90 (2013) (localcopy).
  5. "Effects of Li doping on H-diffusion in MgH2: A first-principles study", Wenmei Ming, Zhigang Zak Fang and Feng Liu, J. Appl. Phys. 114, 243502 (2013) (localcopy).
  6. "Strain-Engineered Surface Transport in Si(001): Complete Isolation of the Surface State via Tensile Strain", M. Zhou, Z. Liu, Z. Wang, Z. Bai, Y. Feng, M. G. Lagally, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111,246801 (2013) (localcopy).
  7. “First-Principles Calculations on the Effect of Doping and Biaxial Tensile Strain on Electron-Phonon Coupling in Graphene”, C. Si, W. Duan, Z. Liu, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 196802 (2013) (localcopy).
  8. "Crumpling of a Pyrolytic Graphite Sheet", C. Hui, Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, R. Sun, Feng Liu, J. Appl. Phys. 114, 163512 (2013) (localcopy).
  9. "Electronic transmission in Graphene suppressed by interlayer interference", D. Valencia, J.-Q. Lu, J. Wu, F. Liu, F. Zhai and Y.-J. Jiang, AIP Advances 3, 102125 (2013) (localcopy).
  10. "Spatially separated spin carriers in spin-semiconducting graphene nanoribbons", Z. F. Wang, S. Jin and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 096803 (2013) (localcopy).
  11. “Tunable photoresponse of epitaxial graphene on SiC”, R. Sun, Y. Zhang, K. Li, C. Hui, K. He, X. Ma, and Feng Liu, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 013106 (2013) (localcopy).
  12. “Robustness of two-dimensional topological insulator states in bilayer bismuth against strain and electrical field”, L. Chen, Z. F. Wang, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 87, 235420 (2013) (localcopy).
  13. “Prediction of a Two-Dimensional Organic Topological Insulator”, Z. F. Wang, Ninghai Su, and Feng Liu, Nano Lett., 13, 2842 (2013) (localcopy).
  14. “Suppression of Sr surface segregation in La1-xSrxCo1-yFeyO3-δ: a first principles study”, Hepeng Ding, Anil V. Virkar, Meilin Liu and Feng Liu, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15, 489 (2013) (localcopy).
  15. “Organic topological insulators in organometallic lattices”, Z. F. Wang, Zheng Liu and Feng Liu, Nature Commun. 4, 1471 (2013) (localcopy).
  16. “Flat Chern Band in a Two-Dimensional Organometallic Framework”, Z. Liu, Z. F. Wang, J.-W. Mei, Y. Wu and Feng Liu, Rev. Lett. 110, 106804 (2013) (localcopy).
  17. “Quantum anomalous Hall effect in 2D organic topological insulator”, Z. F. Wang, Z. Liu and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 196801 (2013) (localcopy).
  18. “Creation of Helical Dirac Fermions by Interfacing Two Gapped Systems of Ordinary Fermions”, Z.F. Wang, M.-Y. Yao, Wenmei Ming, L. Miao, F. Zhu, C. Liu, C. L. Gao. D. Qian, J.F. Jia, and Feng Liu, Nature Commun., 4, 1384 (2013) (localcopy).
  19. “Quasiparticle dynamics in reshaped helical Dirac cone of topological insulators”, L. Miao, Z. F. Wang, Wenmei Ming, M. Yao, M. Wang, F. Yang, F. Zhu, A. V. Fedorov, Z. Sun, C. L. Gao, C. Liu, Q. Xue, Feng Liu, D. Qian, J. Jia, PNAS 110, 2758 (2013) (localcopy).
  20. “Growth Instability of Strained Film: An Elastic Green’s Function Force Monopole Approach”, H. Hu and Feng Liu, Proceeding of IUTAM Symposium Surface Effects in the Mechanics of Nanomaterials and Heterostructures, IUTAM Bookseries, Volume 31, 59-70 (2013) (localcopy).

2012 (Back to Top)

  1. “Electronic strengthening of graphene by charge doping”, C. Si, W. Duan, Z. Liu, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 226802 (2012) (localcopy).
  2. “Anisotropic Strain Enhanced Hydrogen Solubility in bcc Metals: The Independence on the Sign of Strain", H.-B. Zhou, S. Jin, Y. Zhang, and G.-H. Lu, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 135502 (2012) (localcopy).
  3. “Mechanical properties of graphene oxides”, L. Liu, J. Zhang, J. Zhao and Feng Liu, Nanoscale 4, 5910 (2012) (localcopy).
  4. “Interplay between quantum size effect and strain effect on growth of nanoscale metal thin films”, M. Liu, Y. Han, L. Tang, J. Jia, Q. Xue, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 86, 125427 (2012) (localcopy).
  5. “Quantitative Model of Heterogeneous Nucleation and Growth of SiGe Quantum Dot Molecules”, H. Hu, H. Gao, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 106103 (2012) (localcopy).
  6. “Strain-less directed self-assembly of Si nanocrystals on patterned SiO2 substrate”, J. Ren, H. Hu, Feng Liu, S. Chu, and J. Liu, J. Appl. Phys., 112, 054311 (2012) (localcopy).
  7. “Spin-enhanced organic bulk heterojunction photovoltaic solar cells”, Y. Zhang, T. P. Basel, B. R. Gautam, X. Yang, D. J. Mascaro, Feng Liu & Z. V. Vardeny, Natature Commu. 3, 1043 (2012) (localcopy).
  8. “Fractal Landau-Level Spectra in Twisted Bilayer Graphene”, Z. F. Wang, Feng Liu, and M. Y. Chou, Nano Lett., 12, 3833 (2012) (localcopy).
  9. “Quantum Electronic Stress: Density-Functional-Theory Formulation and Physical Manifestation”, H. Hu, M. Liu, Z. F. Wang, J. Zhu, D. Wu, H. Ding, Z. Liu, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 055501 (2012) (localcopy).
  10. “Spatial and Energy Distribution of Topological Edge States in Single Bi(111) Bilayer”, F. Yang, L. Miao, Z. F. Wang, M.-Y. Yao, F. Zhu, Y. R. Song, M.-X. Wang, J.-P. Xu, A. V. Fedorov, Z. Sun, G. B. Zhang, C. Liu, Feng Liu, D. Qian, C. L. Gao, and J.-F. Jia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 016801 (2012) (localcopy).
  11. “Topological and electronic transitions in a Sb(111) nanofilm: The interplay between quantum confinement and surface effect”, P. Zhang, Z. Liu, W. Duan, Feng Liu, and J. Wu, Phys. Rev. B 85, 201410 (R) (2012) (localcopy).
  12. “Simulation of self-assembled compositional core-shell structures in InxGa1−xN nanowires”, X. B. Niu, G. B. Stringfellow, Young-Ju Lee and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 85, 165316 (2012) (localcopy).
  13. “Defect configuration and phase stability of cubic versus tetragonal yttria-stabilized zirconia”, H. Ding, A. V. Virkar, Feng Liu, Solid State Ionics 215, 16 (2012) (localcopy).
  14. “Edge Stability of BN sheets and Its Application for Designing Hybrid BNC Structures”, B. Huang, H. Lee, B.-L. Gu, Feng Liu, and W. Duan, Nano Res. 5, 62 (2012) (localcopy).

2011 (Back to Top)

  1. "Nanopatterned graphene quantum dots as building blocks for quantum cellular automata", Z. F. Wang and F. Liu, Nanoscale 3, 4201 (2011) (localcopy).
  2. “Stabilizing Graphitic Thin Films of Wurtzite Materials by Epitaxial Strain”, D. Wu, M. G. Lagally, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 236101 (2011) (localcopy).
  3. “Stable Nontrivial Z2 Topology in Ultrathin Bi (111) Films: A First-Principles Study”, Z. Liu, C.-X. Liu, Y.-S. Wu, W.-H. Duan, Feng Liu, and J. Wu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 136805 (2011) (localcopy).
  4. “Nonequilibrium Composition Profiles of Alloy Quantum Dots and their Correlation with the Growth Mode”, X. B. Niu, G. B. Stringfellow, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 076101 (2011) (localcopy).
  5. “Chemical versus Thermal Folding of Graphene Edges”, N. Su, M. Liu and Feng Liu, Nano Res. 4, 1242 (2011) (localcopy).
  6. “Maximum asymmetry in strain induced mechanical instability of graphene: Compression versus tension”, Y. Zhang and Feng Liu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 241908 (2011) (localcopy).
  7. “Stress tensor: A quantitative indicator of effective volume and stability of helium in Metals”, H.-B. Zhou, S. Jin, X.-L. Shu, Y. Zhang, G.-H. Lu and Feng Liu, Euro. Phys. Lett., 96 66001 (2011) (localcopy).
  8. “Phase separation in strained epitaxial InGaN islands”, X. B. Niu, G. B. Stringfellow, and Feng Liu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 213102 (2011) (localcopy).
  9. “Conduction band structure and electron mobility in uniaxially strained Si via externally applied strain in Nanomembranes”, F. Chen, C. Euaruksakul, Z. Liu, F. J. Himpsel, Feng Liu, M. G. Lagally, J. Phy. D: Appl. Phy. 44, 325107 (2011) (localcopy).
  10. “Giant Magnetoresistance in Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbon”, Z. F. Wang and Feng Liu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 042110 (2011) (localcopy).
  11. “Atomic chemisorption on graphene with Stone–Thrower–Wales defects”, L. Chen, H. Hu, Yu. Ouyang, H.Z. Pan, Y.Y. Sun, Feng Liu, Carbon, 49, 3356 (2011) (localcopy).
  12. “Surface reconstruction transition of metals induced by molecular adsorption”, J. T. Sun, L. Gao, X. B. He, Z. H. Cheng, Z. T. Deng, X. Lin, H. Hu, S. X. Du, Feng Liu, and H.-J. Gao, Phys. Rev. B 83, 115419 (2011) (localcopy).
  13. “Formation of hydrogenated graphene nanoripples by strain engineering and directed surface self-assembly”, Z. F. Wang, Y. Zhang, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 83, 041403(R) (2011) (localcopy).
  14. “Nanomechanical Architecture of Semiconductor Nanomembranes”, M. Huang, F. Cavallo, Feng Liu and M. G. Lagally, Nanoscale, 3, 96 (2011) (Invited review) (localcopy).

2010 (Back to Top)

  1. “Controlled surface functionalization via self-selective metal adsorption and pattern transformation on the vicinal Si(111) surface”, A. L. Chin, F. K. Men and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 82, 201406(R) (2010) (localcopy).
  2. “Strain-Enhanced Doping in Semiconductors: Effects of Dopant Size and Charge State”, J. Zhu, Feng Liu, G. B. Stringfellow, and S.-H. Wei, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 195503 (2010) (localcopy).
  3. “Electron Phase Diagram of Single-Element Silicon “Strain” Superlattice”, Z. Liu, J. Wu, W. Duan, M.G. Lagally and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 016802 (2010) (localcopy).
  4. “Manipulation of Electron Beam Propagation by Hetero-Dimensional Graphene Junctions”, Z. F. Wang and Feng Liu, ACS Nano. 4, 2459 (2010) (localcopy).
  5. “Atomic Layers of Hybridized Boron Nitride and Graphene Domains”, L. Ci, L. Song, C. Jin, D. Jariwala, D. Wu, Y. Li, A. Srivastava, Z.F. Wang, K. Storr, L. Balicas, Feng Liu, P. M. Ajayan, Nature Mat. 9, 430 (2010) (localcopy).
  6. “Uniaxial Strain in Molecular Nanowires: A Case Study of β-phase Polyfluorenes”, E. M. Lupton, L. Chen and Feng Liu, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 1, 1326 (2010) (localcopy).
  7. “Effect of Surface Bonding on Semiconductor Nanoribbon Wiggling Structure”, Y. Zhang, M. Yu, D. E. Savage, Max G. Lagally, R. H. Blick, and Feng Liu , Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 111904 (2010) (localcopy).
  8. “Tunable interfacial properties of epitaxial graphene on metal substrates”, M. Gao, Y. Pan, C. Zhang, H. Hu, R. Yang, H. Lu, J. Cai, S. Du, Feng Liu, and H.-J. Gao, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 053109 (2010) (localcopy).
  9. “Enhanced cation-substituted p-type doping in GaP from dual surfactant effects”, J. Zhu, Feng Liu, and G. B. Stringfellow, J. Crys. Growth 312, 174 (2010) (localcopy).

2009 (Back to Top)

  1. “Band Gap Scaling of Graphene Nanohole Superlattices”, W. Liu, Z. F. Wang, Q. W. Shi, J. Yang, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 80, 233405 (2009) (localcopy).
  2. “Nanopumping molecules via a carbon nanotube”, M. Chen, J. Zang, D. Xiao, C. Zhang and Feng Liu, Nano Res. 2, 938 (2009) (localcopy).
  3. “Directed self-assembly of monodispersed platinum nanoclusters on graphene Moiré template”, Y. Pan, M. Gao, L. Huang, Feng Liu, and H.-J. Gao, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 093106 (2009) (localcopy).
  4. “Strain – band structure relationships in Si(001) and Si(110) nanomembranes”, C. Euaruksakul, F. Chen, B. Tanto, C. S. Ritz, D. M. Paskiewicz, F. J. Himpsel, D. E. Savage, Zheng Liu, Yugui Yao, Feng Liu, and M. G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. B 80, 115323 (2009) (localcopy).
  5. “Effects of Ge Adsorption on Dewetting and Thermal Agglomeration of Thin Silicon-on-Insulator”, P.P. Zhang, B. Yang, P. Rugheimer, M. Roberts, D.E. Savage, F. Liu, and M. G. Lagally, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 175309 (2009) (localcopy).
  6. “Bistability of Nanoscale Ag Islands on Si(111)-(4x1)-In Surface Induced by Anisotropic Stress”, Y. Li, M. Liu, D. Ma, D. Yu, X. Chen, X. Ma, Q. Xue, K. Xu, J. Jia, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 076102 (2009) (localcopy).
  7. “Quantum Manifestations of Graphene Edge Stress and Edge Instability: A First-Principles Study”, B. Huang, M. Liu, N. Su, J. Wu, W. Duan, B. Gu and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 166404 (2009) (localcopy).
  8. “Nanomechanical Architecture --- A Mechanics-Driven Nanofabrication Approach”, Feng Liu, M. G. Lagally and J. Zang, MRS Bulletin 34, 190 (2009). (Invited review) (localcopy).
  9. “Mechano-electronic Superlattices in Silicon Nanomembranes”, M. Huang, C. S. Ritz, B. Novakovic, D. Yu, Y. Zhang, F. Flack, D. E. Savage1, P. G. Evans1, I. Knezevic, Feng Liu, and M. G. Lagally, ACS Nano, 3, 721 (2009) (localcopy).
  10. “Vacancy trapping mechanism for hydrogen bubble formation in metal”, Y.-L. Liu, Y. Zhang, H.-B. Zhou, G.-H. Lu, Feng Liu, and G. -N. Luo, Phys. Rev. B 79, 172103 (2009) (localcopy).
  11. “Mechanical Wave Propagation in Carbon Nanotubes Driven by an Oscillating Tip Actuator”, M. Chen, J. Zang, D. Xiao and Feng Liu, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 026102 (2009) (localcopy).
  12. “Highly Ordered, Millimeter-Scale, Continuous, Single-Crystalline Graphene Monolayer Formed on Ru (0001)”, Y. Pan, H. Zhang, D. Shi, J. Sun, S. Du, Feng Liu, H.-J. Gao, Adv. Mat. 21, 2777 (2009) (localcopy).

2008 (Back to Top)

  1. “First-principles study of electronic properties of biaxially strained silicon: Effects on charge carrier mobility”, D. Yu, Yu Zhang, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 78, 245204 (2008) (localcopy).
  2. “Theory of Directed Nucleation of Strained Islands on Patterned Substrates” H. Hu, H.J. Gao and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 216102 (2008) (localcopy).
  3. “Dual-surfactant effect on enhancing p-type doping in III-V semiconductor thin films” Junyi Zhu, Feng Liu, G.B. Stringfellow, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 196103 (2008) (localcopy).
  4. “Magnetism in Nanopatterned Graphite Film”, L. Chen, D. Yu, Feng Liu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 223106 (2008) (localcopy).
  5. “Unified Design Rule for Nanomagnetism in Graphene”, D. Yu, E. M. Lupton, H.J. Gao, C. Zhang and Feng Liu, Nano Res. 1, 497 (2008) (localcopy).
  6. “Enhanced growth instability of a strained film on a wavy substrate”, Hangyao Wang, Yu Zhang, and Feng Liu, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 054301 (2008) (localcopy).
  7. “Collective Magnetic Behavior of Graphene Nanohole Superlattices”, D. Yu, E. M. Lupton, M. Liu, W. Liu and Feng Liu, Nano Res. 1, 56 (2008) (localcopy).
  8. “Flat-surface, step-edge, facet-facet, and facet-step diffusion barriers in growth of a Pb mesa”, Y. Han, G.-H. Lu, B.-J. Lee and Feng Liu, Surf. Sci. 602, 2284 (2008) (localcopy).
  9. “The role of vacancy on trapping interstitial O in heavily As-doped Si”, G.H. Lu, Q. Wang and Feng Liu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 211906 (2008) (localcopy).
  10. “Suppression of spin-polarization in graphene nanoribbon by edge defect and impurity”, Bing Huang, Feng Liu, Jian Wu, Bing-Lin Gu, and Wenhui Duan, Phys. Rev. B 77, 153411 (2008) (localcopy).
  11. “Coulomb sink effect on coarsening of metal nanostructures on surfaces”, Y. Han and Feng Liu, Front. Phys. China, 3, 41 (2008). (Invited review) (link).
  12. “Kinetics of Mesa Overlayer Growth: Climbing of adatoms onto the mesa top”, Y. Han, Feng Liu, S.-C. Li, J.-F. Jia, Q.-K. Xue, and B.-J. Lee, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 021909 (2008) (localcopy).
  13. “Modified Timoshenko formula for bending of ultrathin strained bi-layer films”, Ji Zang and Feng Liu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 021905 (2008) (localcopy).
  14. “Quantum modulation of island nucleation on top of a metal nanomesa”, Y. Han, M. Hupalo, M. C. Tringides, and Feng Liu, Surf. Sci. 602, 62 (2008) (localcopy).

2007 (Back to Top)

  1. “Making a field effect transistor on a single graphene nanoribbon by selective doping”, Bing Huang, Qimin Yan, Gang Zhou, Jian Wu, Bing-Lin Gu, Wenhui Duan, and Feng Liu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 253122 (2007) (localcopy).
  2. “Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes by Rolling Up Patterned Graphene Nanoribbons Using Selective Atomic Adsorption”, Decai Yu and Feng Liu, Nano Lett. 7, 3046 (2007) (localcopy).
  3. “Bending of Si Nano-Cantilever Induced by Molecular Adsorption: A Modified Stoney Formula for the Calibration of Nanomechanochemical Sensors”, Ji Zang and Feng Liu, Nanotechnology, 18, 405501 (2007) (localcopy).
  4. “Confining P diffusion in Si by an As-doped barrier layer”, Lugang Bai, Decai Yu, Guang-Hong Lu, Feng Liu, Q. Wang, and Hamza Yilmaz, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 061926 (2007) (localcopy).
  5. “First-Principles Study of Adsorption and Diffusion on Ge/Si(001)-(2X8) and Ge/Si(105)-(1X2) Surfaces”, Li Huang, Guang-Hong Lu, Feng Liu, and X. G. Gong, Surf. Sci. 601, 3067 (2007) (localcopy).
  6. “Intrinsic current-voltage characteristics of graphene nanoribbon transistors and effect of edge doping”, Q. Yan, B. Huang, J. Yu, F. Zheng, J. Zang, J. Wu, B. Gu, Feng Liu, and W. Duan, Nano Lett. 7, 1469 (2007) (localcopy).
  7. “Mechanism for Nanotube Formation from Self-Bending Nanofilms Driven by Atomic-Scale Surface-Stress Imbalance”, Ji Zang, Minghuang Huang, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 146102 (2007) (localcopy).
  8. “MD simulation of structural and mechanical transformation of single-walled carbon nanotubes under pressure”, J. Zang, O. Aldás-Palacios and Feng Liu, Commun. Comput. Phys. 2, 451 (2007). (invited review) (localcopy).
  9. “First-principles calculation of interaction between interstitial O and As dopant in heavily As-doped Si”, G.H. Lu, Qi Wang and Feng Liu, J. Appl. Phys. 101, 026104 (2007) (localcopy).
  10. “Impurity mediated absorption continuum in single-walled carbon nanotubes”, C. Zhang, J.C. Chao, X.G. Guo and Feng Liu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 023106 (2007) (localcopy).
  11. “Nucleation-Mediated Lateral Growth on Foreign Substrate”, D.J. Shu, M. Wang, Feng Liu, Z. Zhang, R.W. Peng, R. Zhang, N.B. Ming, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 1071 (2007) (localcopy).
  12. “Directed Self-assembly of Quantum Dots by Local-Chemical-Potential control via Strain Engineering on Patterned Substrates”, Hangyao Wang, Feng Liu, and M. Lagally, in “Lateral Alignment of Epitaxial Quantum Dots”, Ed., O. Schmidt, Springer, Chapter 20, page 524 (2007). (invited chapter).

2006 (Back to Top)

  1. “Quantum Size Effect on Adatom Surface Diffusion”, Li-Ying Ma, Lin Tang, Ze-Lei Guan, Ke He, An Kang, Xu-Cun Ma, Jin-Feng Jia, Qi-Kun Xue, Steve Huang, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 266102 (2006) (localcopy).
  2. “Determination of the Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier in epitaxial growth of thin films”, S.-C. Li, Y. Han, J.-F. Jia, Q.-K. Xue, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 74, 195428 (2006) (localcopy).
  3. “Nature of reactive O2 and slow CO2 evolution kinetics in CO oxidation by TiO2 supported Au cluster”, R. Pala and Feng Liu, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 144714 (2006) (localcopy).
  4. “Fabricating artificial nanowells with tunable size and shape by using scanning tunneling microscopy”, S.-C. Li, J.-F. Jia, X. Ma, Q.-K. Xue, Y. Han, and Feng Liu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 123111(2006) (localcopy).
  5. “Intrinsic current-voltage properties of nanowires with four-probe scanning tunneling microscopy: A conductance transition of ZnO nanowire”, X. Lin, X.B. He, T.Z. Yang, W. Guo, D.X. Shi, H.-J. Gao, D.D. Ma, S.T. Lee, Feng Liu, and X.C. Xie, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 043103(2006) (localcopy).
  6. “Influence of quantum size effects on Pb island growth and diffusion barrier oscillations”, S. Li, X. Ma, J.F. Jia, Y.F. Zhang, Q. Niu, Feng Liu, D. Chen, P.S. Weiss, and Q.K. Xue, Phys. Rev. B 74, 075410 (2006) (localcopy).
  7. “Pressure-Induced Transition in Magnetoresistance of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes”, J. Z. Cai, L. Lu, H. W. Zhu, C. Zhang, B. Q. Wei, D. H. Wu, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 026402 (2006) (localcopy).
  8. “Origin of intergranular embrittlement of Al alloys induced by Na and Ca segregation: Grain boundary weakening”, G.H. Lu, Y. Zhang, S. Deng, T. Wang, M. Kohyama, R. Yamamoto, Feng Liu, K. Horikawa, and M. Kanno, Phys. Rev. B 73, 224115 (2006) (localcopy).
  9. “Surface Mobility Difference between Si and Ge and its Effect on Growth of SiGe Alloy Films and Islands”, Li Huang, Feng Liu, Guang-Hong Lu and X. G. Gong, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 016103 (2006) (localcopy).
  10. “Modeling and Simulation of Strain-Mediated Nanostructure Formation on Surface”, Feng Liu, in “Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology”, eds. M. Rieth and W. Schommers, Chapter 10, 577-625 (2006). (invited chapter) (localcopy).
  11. “Quantitative Prediction of Critical Size for the Formation of Semiconductor Quantum Dots”, G.H. Lu and Feng Liu, in “Physics, J. Chinese Phys. Association”, 35, 447 (2006). (invited review).

2005 (Back to Top)

  1. “Self-organization of Semiconductor Nanocrystals by Selective Surface Faceting”, B. Yang, P. Zhang, D.E. Savage, M. Lagally, G.H. Lu, M.H. Huang, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 72, 235413 (2005) (localcopy).
  2. “Nanomechanical Architecture of Strained Bilayer Thin Films: from design principles to experimental fabrication”, Minghuang Huang, C. Boone, M. Roberts, D. E. Savage, M. G. Lagally, N. Shaji, H. Qin, R. Blick, J. A. Nairn, and Feng Liu, Adv. Mater. 17, 2860 (2005) (localcopy).
  3. “Physical origin of hydrogen-adsorption-induced metallization of the SiC surface: n-type doping via formation of hydrogen bridge bond", Hao Chang, Jian Wu, Bing-Lin Gu, Feng Liu, and Wenhui Duan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 196803 (2005) (localcopy).
  4. “Critical Epinucleation on Reconstructured Surfaces and First-Principle Calculation of Homonucleation on Si(100)”, Raj Ganesh S. Pala and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 136106 (2005) (localcopy).
  5. “First-principles study of strain stabilization of Ge(105) facet on Si(001)”, G.H. Lu, Martin Cuma, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 72, 125415 (2005) (localcopy).
  6. “Bending of Nanoscale Ultrathin Substrates by Growth of Strained Thin Films and Islands”, M.H. Huang, P. Rugheimer, M.G. Lagally, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 72, 085450 (2005) (localcopy).
  7. “Mechanical stability of ultrathin Ge/Si film on SiO2: The effect of Si/SiO2 interface”, M.H. Huang, J.A. Nairn, Feng Liu, and M.G. Lagally, J. Appl. Phys. 97, 116108 (2005) (localcopy).
  8. “Relative stability of Si surfaces: a first-principles study”, G.H. Lu, M.H. Huang, M. Cuma, and Feng Liu, Surf. Sci. 588, 61 (2005) (localcopy).
  9. “Towards Quantitative Understanding of Formation and Stability of Ge Hut Island on Si(001)”, G.H. Lu and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett 94, 176103 (2005) (localcopy).
  10. “Computational R&D for Industrial Applications”, Feng Liu, News Article of Center for High-Performance Computing, University of Utah, Fall issue, p. 1 (2005). (invited article) (localcopy).
  11. “Pattern Formation on Silicon-on-Insulator”, F. Flack, B. Yang, M. Huang, M. Marcus, J. Simmons, O.M. Castellini1, M.A. Eriksson, Feng Liu and M.G. Lagally, MRS Proceeding. 849, KK1.3.1/JJ1.3.1/U1.3.1 (2005) (localcopy).
  12. “Computational Study of Metal Adsorption on TiO2 (110) Surface”, R. S. Pala, T. N. Truong, and Feng Liu, in “Clusters and Nano-Assemblies”, World Scientific, eds. P. Jena, S.N. Khanna, and B.K. Rao, 135 (2005). (invited paper) (link).

2004 (Back to Top)

  1. “Theory of Equilibrium Shape of an Anisotropically Strained Island: Thermodynamic Limits for Growth of Nanowires”, Amit Pradhan, N.-Y. Ma and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 70, 193405 (2004) (localcopy).
  2. “Pressure Induced Hard-to-Soft Transition of a Single Carbon Nanotube”, D.Y. Sun, D.J. Shu, M. Ji, Feng Liu, M. Wang, and X.G. Gong, Phys. Rev. B 70, 165417 (2004) (localcopy).
  3. “Strain effect on adatom binding and diffusion in homo- and heteroepitaxies of Si and Ge on (001) Surfaces”, L. Huang, Feng Liu, and X. G. Gong, Phys. Rev. B 70, 155320 (2004) (localcopy).
  4. “Coulomb Sink: a novel Coulomb effect on coarsening of metal nanoclusters on semiconductor surface”, Y. Han, J.Y. Zhu, Feng Liu, S.C. Li, J.F. Jia, Y.F. Zhang, and Q.K. Xue, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 106102 (2004) (localcopy).
  5. “A Novel Analytical Scheme to Compute the n-fold Convolution of Exponential-Sum Distribution Functions”, N.Y. Ma and Feng Liu, Appl. Math. Comput. 158, 225 (2004) (localcopy).
  6. “Self-Organized Quantum-Wire Lattice via Step Flow Growth of a Short-Period Superlattice”, L. Bai, J. Tersoff, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 225503 (2004) (localcopy).
  7. “Computational Designing of Carbon Nanotube Electromechanical Pressure Sensors”, J. Wu, Ji Zang, B. Larade, H. Guo, X.G. Gong, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 69, 153406 (2004) (localcopy).
  8. “Determining the Adsorptive and Catalytic Properties of Strained Metal Surfaces using Adsorption-induced Stress”, R. Pala and Feng Liu, J. Chem. Phys. 120, 7720 (2004) (localcopy).
  9. “Geometry Constant Defining Shape Transitions of Carbon Nanotubes under Pressure”, Ji Zang, Andrejs Treibergs, Y. Han, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 105501 (2004) (localcopy).
  10. “Local-Strain-Mediated-Chemical-Potential Control of Quantum Dot Self-Organization in Heteroepitaxy”, Bin Yang, Feng Liu and Max G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 025502 (2004) (localcopy).
  11. “Directed Assembly and Strain Engineering of SiGe Films and Nanostructures”, M.G. Lagally, M.A. Eriksson, Z.Q. Ma, Feng Liu, G. Celler, L.J. Klein, D.E. Savage, K. Slinker, M. M. Roberts, B. Yang, P.P. Zhang, and M.-H. Huang, Electrochem. Soc. Proceedings, eds. D. Harame et al., Vol. 2004-7, P. 1153 (2004).
  12. “Bending of Nanoscale Thin Si Film Induced by Growth of Ge Islands: Hut vs. Dome”, M.H. Huang, M. Cuma, M.G. Lagally and Feng Liu, MRS Proceeding, 791, Q6.4.1-6 (2004).

Before 2004 (Back to Top)

  1. “Seeing the Atomic Orbital: first-principles study of effect of tip termination on atomic force microscopy”, M. Huang, M. Cuma, and Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 256101 (2003) (localcopy).
  2. “Metal-to-semiconductor Transition in Squashed Armchair Carbon Nanotubes”, J.Q. Lu, J. Wu, W. Duan, Feng Liu, B.F. Zhu, and B.L. Gu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 156601 (2003) (localcopy).
  3. “The Effect of Island-island Interaction on Coarsening of Strained Islands”, Feng Liu, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 42, No. 7B (2003). (invited review).
  4. “Self-Assembly of Three Dimensional Metal Islands: strained vs. nonstrained islands”, Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 246105 (2002) (localcopy).
  5. “Nanostressors and the Nanomechanical Response of a Thin Silicon Film on Insulator”, Feng Liu, M. Huang, P. Rugheimer, D. E. Savage, and M. G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 136101 (2002) (localcopy).
  6. “Nanomechanics: Response of a Strained Semiconductor Structure”, Feng Liu, P. Rugheimer, E. Mateeva, D. E. Savage, and M. G. Lagally, Nature 416, 498 (2002) (localcopy).
  7. “Self-Organized Nanoscale Pattern Formation on Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces via a Two-Stage Faceting Transition”, F.-K Men, Feng Liu, P.J. Wang, C.H. Chen, D.L. Cheng, J.L. Lin, and F.J. Himpsel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 096105 (2002) (localcopy).
  8. “Step-Induced Magnetic Hysteresis Anisotropy in Ferromagnetic Thin Films”, D. Zhao, Feng Liu, D.L. Huber, and M.G. Lagally, J. Appl. Phys. 91, 3150 (2002) (localcopy).
  9. “Simple Generic Method for Predicting the Effect of Strain on Surface Diffusion”, D.J. Shu, Feng Liu, and X.G. Gong, Phys. Rev. B, 64, 245410 (2001) (localcopy).
  10. “Surface Stress-Induced Island Shape Transition in Si(001) Homoepitaxy”, V. Zielasek, Feng Liu, Yuegang Zhao, J.B. Maxson, and M.G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. B (rapid communication), 64, R201320 (2001) (localcopy).
  11. “Self-assembly of two-dimensional islands via strain-mediated coarsening”, Feng Liu, Adam H. Li, and M.G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 126103 (2001) (localcopy).
  12. “Pattern Formation via A Two-Step Surface Faceting Transition on Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces”, F.-K Men and Feng Liu, MRS Proceeding, 648, P1.7.1-6 (2001).
  13. “Self-Organized Formation of Nanostructures in Strained Thin Films”, Feng Liu, Proceeding of 8th International Conference on Composite Engineering, ed. D. Hui, P. 581 (2001).
  14. “Unique Dynamic Appearance of a Ge-Si Ad-dimer on Si(001)”, Z.Y. Lu, Feng Liu, C.Z. Wang, X.R. Qin, B.S. Swartzentruber, M.G. Lagally, and K.M. Ho, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5603 (2000) (localcopy).
  15. “Creation of “Quantum Platelets” via Strain-Controlled Self-Organization at Steps”, Adam H. Li, Feng Liu, D.Y. Petrovykh, J.-L. Lin, J. Viernow, F.J. Himpsel, and M.G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5380 (2000) (localcopy).
  16. “Magnetization on Rough Ferromagnetic Surfaces”, D. Zhao, Feng Liu, D.L. Huber, and M.G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. B 62, 11316 (2000) (localcopy).
  17. “Thermal Roughening of a Thin Film: A New Type of Roughening Transition”, J.B. Maxson, D.E. Savage, R. Tromp, M. Reuter, Feng Liu, and M.G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2152 (2000) (localcopy).
  18. “Equilibrium Shape of Two-dimensional Islands Under Stress”, Adam H. Li, Feng Liu, and M.G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1922 (2000) (localcopy).
  19. “First-Principles Study of Impurity Segregation in Edge Dislocations in Si”, T. Kaplan, Feng Liu, M. Mostoller, M.F. Chisholm, and V. Milman, Phys. Rev. B 61, 1674 (2000) (localcopy).
  20. “Reconstruction of Si(001), (111), and (110) Surfaces”, V. Zielasek, Feng Liu, and M.G. Lagally, in “Properties of Crystalline Silicon”, the EMIS (Electronic Material Information Service) Datareviews, ed. R. Hull, Ch.5.1 (2000). (invited chapter).
  21. “Vicinal Si(001) and Si(111) Surfaces", V. Zielasek, F. Liu, and M.G. Lagally, in " Properties of Crystalline Silicon," EMIS (Electronic Material Information Service) Datareviews, ed. R. Hull, Ch.5.2 (2000). (invited chapter).
  22. “Strain, Morphology, and Self-organization in the Growth of Si/Ge Quantum Dot Nanoclusters”, Arthur R. Woll, J. Sullivan, Feng Liu, and Max G. lagally, in “ Cluster and Nanostructure Interfaces”, ed. P. Jena, S.N. Khanna, and B.K. Rao, 631-638 (World Scientific, 2000). (invited paper).
  23. “Self-Organized Replication of Coherent Island Size and Shape in Multilayer Heteroepitaxial Films”, Feng Liu, S.E. Davenport, H.M. Evans, and M.G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2528 (1999) (localcopy).
  24. “Self-Organized Growth of Alloy Superlattices”, P. Venezuela, J. Tersoff, J.A. Floro, E. Chason, D.M. Follstaedt, Feng Liu, and M.G. Lagally, Nature 397, 678 (1999) (localcopy).
  25. “Step-Induced Optical Anisotropy of Vicinal Si(001)”, S.G. Jaloviar, Jia-Ling Lin, Feng Liu, V. Zielasek, L. McCaugham, and M.G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 791 (1999) (localcopy).
  26. “Strain Engineering of Nanoscale Structures in the Ge/Si system”, Feng Liu and M.G. Lagally, in “Precision Science and Technology for Perfect Surfaces”, eds. Y. Furukawa, Y. Mori, and T. Kataoka, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Production Engineering(ICPE9), Publication Series No. 3, Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, 648 (1999). (invited paper).
  27. “Surfaces and Interfaces, Structure of”, Feng Liu, M. Hohage, and M.G. Lagally, Encyclopedia of Appl. Phys., eds. H. Immergut and G. Trigg, Supplement Volume, 321-352 (1999). (invited chapter).
  28. “Fundamental Crystal Growth Mechanisms”, D.E. Savage, Feng Liu, V. Zielasek, and M.G. Lagally, in “Semiconductors and Semimetals”, eds. J.C. Bean and R. Hull, Academic Press, 56, 49 (1999). (invited chapter).
  29. “Epitaxial Growth: Principles and Applications”, A. Barabasi, M. Krishnamurthy, Feng Liu, and T. Pearsall, MRS Proceedings, Vol. 570 (1999). (co-editor).
  30. “Hydrogen Induced Si Surface Segregation on Ge-Covered Si(001)”, E. Rudkevich, Feng Liu, D.E. Savage, T. Keuch, L. McCaughan, and M.G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3467 (1998) (localcopy).
  31. “Strain-Induced Self-organization of Steps and Islands in SiGe/Si Multilayer Films”, Feng Liu and M.G. Lagally, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions 29A, 2111 (1998). (invited review).
  32. “Modification of Si(001) Substrate Bonding by Adsorbed Ge or Si Dimer Islands”, X.R. Qin, Feng Liu, B.S. Swartzentruber, and M.G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 2288 (1998) (localcopy).
  33. “Self-Organization of Steps in Growth of Strained Films on Vicinal Substrates”, Feng Liu, J. Tersoff, and M.G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1268 (1998) (localcopy).
  34. “Self-organized Nanoscale Structures in Si/Ge Films”, Feng Liu and M.G. Lagally, Surf. Sci. 386, 169 (1997). (invited review) (localcopy).
  35. “Epitaxial Growth of Si on Si(001)”, Feng Liu and M.G. Lagally, in “The Chemical Physics of Solid Surfaces”, eds. D.A. King and D.P. Woodruff, Elsevier, 8, 258 (1997). (invited chapter).
  36. “(Bal12)Cs: A Cluster-Assembled Solid”, C. Ashman, S.N. Khanna, Feng Liu, P. Jena, T. Kaplan, and M. Mostoller, Phys. Rev. B 55, 15868 (1997) (localcopy).
  37. “Unique Edge Structure and Stability of Fabricated Dimer Islands on Si(001)”, Feng Liu, C.T. Salling, and M.G. Lagally, Surf. Sci. 370, L213 (1997) (localcopy).
  38. “Magnetization on Vicinal Ferromagnetic Surfaces”, D. Zhao, Feng Liu, D.L. Huber, and M.G. Lagally, in “Magnetic Ultrathin Films, Multilayers and Surfaces”, MRS Proc. 475, 519 (1997).
  39. “Interplay of Stress, Structure, and Stoichiometry in Ge-Covered Si(001)”, Feng Liu and M.G. Lagally, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3156 (1996) (localcopy).
  40. “Evidence for a New Class of Solids: First-Principles Study of K(Al13)”, Feng Liu, M. Mostoller, T. Kaplan, S.N. Khanna, and P. Jena, Chem. Phys. Lett. 248, 213 (1996) (localcopy).
  41. “Effect of Strain on Structure and Morphology of Ultrathin Ge Films on Si(001)”, Feng Liu, Fang Wu, and M.G. Lagally, Chemical Reviews 97, 1045-1061 (1997) (invited review) (localcopy).
  42. “Self-Consistent Tight-binding Method”, Feng Liu, Phys. Rev. B 52, 10677 (1995) (localcopy).
  43. “Electronic and Elastic Properties of Edge Dislocations in Si”, Feng Liu, M. Mostoller, V. Milman, M.F. Chisholm, and T. Kaplan, Phys. Rev. B 51, 17192 (1995) (localcopy).
  44. “A Cluster-Assembled Solid: First-Principles Study of K(Al13)”, Feng Liu, M. Mostoller, T. Kaplan, S.N. Khanna, and P. Jena, in “Proceedings of the Science and Technology of Atomically Engineered Materials”, eds. P. Jena, S.N. Khanna, and B.K. Rao, 39 (1995).
  45. “A First-Principles Study of Crystalline Silica”, Feng Liu, S.H. Garofalini, R.D. King-Smith, and D. Vanderbilt, Phys. Rev. B 49, 12528 (1994) (localcopy).
  46. “Structural and Electronic Properties of Sodium Metasilicate”, Feng Liu, S.H. Garofalini, R.D. King-Smith, and D. Vanderbilt, Chem. Phys. Lett. 215, 401 (1993) (link).
  47. Reply to comment on “First-Principles Studies on Structural Properties of Cristobalite” by I.P. Swainson and M.T. Dove, Feng Liu, S.H. Garofalini, R.D. King-Smith, and D. Vanderbilt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 3611 (1993) (localcopy).
  48. “First-Principles Studies on Structural Properties of Cristobalite”, Feng Liu, S.H. Garofalini, R.D. King-Smith, and D. Vanderbilt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2750 (1993) (localcopy).
  49. “Magnetism of Al-Mn Quasicrystals”, Feng Liu, S.N. Khanna, L. Magaud, P. Jena, V. De Coulon, F. Reuse, S.S. Jaswal, X.G. He, and F. Cyrot-Lackman, Phys. Rev. B 48, 1295 (1993) (localcopy).
  50. “Theory of Hydrogen Pairing in Metals”, S.E. Weber, Feng Liu, S.N. Khanna, B.K. Rao, and P. Jena, The J. of Less-common Metals 172-174, 485 (1991) (link).
  51. “Magnetism in Small Vanadium Clusters”, Feng Liu, S.N. Khanna, and P. Jena, Phys. Rev. B 43, 8179 (1991) (localcopy).
  52. “Quantum Size Effect on the Magnetism of Finite Systems”, Feng Liu, S.N. Khanna, and P. Jena, Phys. Rev. B 42, 976 (1990) (localcopy).
  53. “Effect of Size and Dimensionality on the Magnetic Moment of Transition Metals”, Feng Liu, S.N. Khanna, and P. Jena, J. Appl. Phys. 67, 4484 (1990) (localcopy).
  54. “Ab-inito Tight-Binding theory for the Electronic Structure”, Feng Liu, S.N. Khanna, and P. Jena, J. Non-crystal. Solid 117/118, 297 (1990).
  55. Reply to comment on “Theory of Hydrogen Pairing in Yttrium” by O. Blaschko, Feng Liu, M. Challa, S.N. Khanna, and P. Jena, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 1169 (1990) (localcopy).
  56. “Nature of Short Range Interaction between Deuterium Atoms in Pd”, Feng Liu, N.K. Rao, S.N. Khanna, and P. Jena, Solid State Commu. 72, 891 (1989) (link).
  57. “Theory of Hydrogen Pairing in Yttrium”, Feng Liu, M. Challa, S.N. Khanna, and P. Jena, Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 1396 (1989) (localcopy).
  58. “Magnetism and Local Order II: Self-consistent Cluster Calculation”, Feng Liu, M.R. Press, S.N. Khanna, and P. Jena, Phys. Rev. B, 40, 399 (1989) (localcopy) .
  59. “Magnetism and Local Order: Ab-initio Tight-binding Theory”, Feng Liu, M.R. Press, S.N. Khanna, and P. Jena, Phys. Rev. B 39, 6914 (1989) (localcopy).
  60. “Magnetism and Local Order”, Feng Liu, M.R. Press, S.N. Khanna, and P. Jena, Z. Phys. D 12, 361 (1989) (link).
  61. “Simple Theory of the Electronic Structure: Clusters to Crystals”, Feng Liu, M.R. Press, S.N. Khanna, and P. Jena, Phys. Rev. B 38, R5760 (1988) (localcopy).
  62. “Stability of Doubly Charged Transition Metal Dimers”, Feng Liu, M.R. Press, S.N. Khanna, and P. Jena, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 2562 (1987) (localcopy).