MSE 5090: Case Studies in Material Selection
Week 6 - Material Selection Without Shape
Read this entire document before starting the assignments.
Request for Student Feedback
Reading assignment
Discussion questions
Example problem Ashby B3.4
Example problem Ashby B3.1
Week 6 assignments: Ashby
Problems CS External Contact(s)
Reference Material
Request for student feedback:
Professor Stringfellow and I have committed to resolving the
issues related to this course. Based on some of the problems discussed
below, it seems that some midcourse adjustments are needed to keep
the course on track. A key problem has arisen with the CMS software. More
of this below:
A. CMS Software:
The 2 copies of the CMS software I gave to the library have
become contaminated. We've had an unprecedented string of bad luck on this,
but it is a problem that was largely solved this weekend.. In my discussions
with Chairman Stringfellow we agreed to order another copy or two if need
be. This Sunday I put a working version of the CMS software
on a PC that I will try to place in the student computer office on
Monday. However, some funds are needed for this , and I need to get clearance
from the department to commit them. Budgets are very tight. If the
few hundred dollars we need aren't available, I will spare no effort
to get a replacement copy asap so that , if our one working copy gets contaminated,
we will still be functioning.
Some history:
Last weekend I checked the CMS software on three machines before I released
it to the library, and it loaded on all three of them. We had
three copies overall - one a backup painstakingly made from
damaged original discs, the other the replacement originals and the third
the backup of the replacement originals. The two backup copies have become
virus infected and otherwise dysfunctional. On Monday 9/29, it was reported
that the software wasn't working. On Wednesday I gave a student the
second working version derived from the one backup we were allowed to make.
I felt sure at that time that no problems remained to be solved aside from
distribution in the library. Yet on Thursday that software was reported
not to be working. I rechecked the software on Friday and found the initial
install disc (and in all likelihood the others) contaminated with
Form D virus and corrupted files.
What now?
I have a PC in my office and one in the lab with a working CMS version
available for students on Monday. The department and I need to decide what
to do with our one working version of the software. I will try to get
a copy of CMS mounted on one machine in CADE since this weekend we
found that CMS loads on NT machines , or at least the uncontaminated
NT4.0 machine in my office. We could leave the software in the library
again, but this entails obvious risks. This set is the original disk
set, the only one we have. My concern is that someone probably loaded the
software on a contaminated machine, and that this may contaminate the discs
we have. We may loan the software out to individuals, but I would hope
the machines you use are virus protected. Some viruses in memory
are hard to detect, particularly if they are boot sector viruses. If you
have any doubt whether or not your machine is infected with viruses, please
contact me and I will arrange some support to help you check this out.
As mentioned above , I am encouraging the department to rent a
PC so we can have a machine we can place in the student computer lab on
Monday. I regret the surprising degree of contamination and have
destroyed the contaminated discs. In that regard , Prof. Stringfellow noted
that discs he gets from students created on library machines are often
virus prone. When we clean up this problem , I will speak to the library
about this issue although it is possible that someone in the class tried
to load it on a non library machine that was infected.
I have also heard reports that the "software never worked," even last
year. This year we have a later version of the software, so it isn't
the same as last years software. Even so, I didn't get reports last year
that the software wasn't working. In fact almost all of the reports were
that students liked the software and found it easy to use. A number
of students used the software for their homework and case studies. These
case studies are available in the library. It is possible that some students
couldn't make the software work, but I received no reports of that .
Similarly, in earlier years the software seemed to work well and , in fact
, was on reserve in the library and did not get damaged during use
over a whole quarter. This year the software does work, and I regret
the inconvenience caused by factors beyond our control. I've never encountered
this degree of difficulty with a program before. Yet software difficulties
are part of the real world experience of most engineers.
B. Solving Ashby problems and homework:
Since the software is still in flux, I'm encouraging students to hand in
their homework as soon as possible, but will not impose penalties for late
homework until this issue is resolved. I'm considering pushing back
the schedule a week because of the holidays and the software difficulty
. Yet as shown below, one does not require the
software to solve the homework problems. The software is in
fact the last stage of the problem solution. It is most useful for getting
specific materials (rather than classes of Materials) and for multi-stage
selections. If I were to partition a problem into parts, the parts would
be as given below:
Setting up the problem - i.e. determining the nature of the problem- the
design requirements and the constraints-30%
Using the standard solutions or other modeling techniques to obtain the
equations incorporating 1 above-15%
Solving the model equations to determine performance indices to use for
material selection-25%
Using the charts and software to narrow down the materials selection choices-20%
Selecting between the narrowed down materials choices using extrinsic and
practical considerations-10%.
Of course, these numbers may vary depending on the problem, but the above
are the starting point I use for grading problems and in most cases the
percentage distribution doesn't change much.
Thus the software is a convenience in part 4. It is an aid in narrowing
down materials choices and is more specific than the charts. Almost all
the problems in the Ashby book can be solved without them and were for
the most part last year. Therefore, until we fully resolve the software
issue, students have the option of submitting the homework in paper form
or in software as that becomes readily available. Again, deadlines are
perforce relaxed because of the software tools issues. It is important
to note that the software yields more refined choices of materials and
is faster for multistage selection, but adds no new
concepts to the materials selection process.
In that regard , I will be going through how to solve problems without
the final selection phase using the software beginning next week.
C. Technical Content of Case Study:
I have heard some comments regarding the downgrading of technical content
of the case study compared to non technical factors. I hope I can disavow
people of that notion. It is assumed that technical content will be there.
It is also a misperception that research is incompatible with case studies.
This also is not true. Some of the most interesting and exiting case studies
are involved in research. For example , the Double Helix by Watson
and the works of Michael Polanyi ( an english biologist/philosopher) attest
to the need for passion in research. The more technical detail included
in your case study , the higher your grade will be.
Yet the non technical content is necessary , even if not sufficient.
Almost every time a professor writes a proposal the non technical considerations(
what the sponsor needs) come into play. The culture of high technology
will certainly affect your lives and careers, and this is the course we
use to explore it. It is assumed that students will be able to present
the technical parts clearly, although I am prepared to review how that
is done too. As the problems will show, the technical approach in a case
study is complex and requires insight into materials. That is the point
of doing the homework over the next few weeks. Yet , as discussed so often
in class and these notes, understanding and framing the study in the company/market/economic
etc. framework will add depth and awareness to your technical insights.
D. Student Support:
Since a number of students have missed a number of classes, I will conduct
some makeup classes to cover the materials on problem solving that were
missed. Saturday afternoon seems a good time for me, but on Monday I will
ask students to submit a list of times they can attend such a class. Finally,
individual meetings with students are welcomed. All that is needed is an
email or call and sufficient notice. I also take drop ins at mutually convenient
times. Finally, the course electronic organization encourages online support
via answering questions submitted on email. These can be submitted in the
folder for that week or directly to me.
Online support request: Online
Course Support
E. Course Organization Issues:
The goal of doing this class this way is to deliver superior education
using the latest technologies for the benefit of the students. It is an
ambitious undertaking that requires considerable commitment of time and
thought to develop the web page and the techniques for online submission
and grading of homework. The online resources are designed to make learning
easier by previewing and summarizing the main concepts
presented in the class lectures, by providing in one place the expectations
and resources need to do a case study, and by allowing extensive communication
capabilities. While it might not have been totally clear from the
beginning, the goal of the first 9 (or perhaps 10 now ) weeks is to provide
the concepts on making materials selection, on what a case study is, and
on getting started on the case study. The remainder of the term is devoted
to applying the concepts of the first 9-10 weeks to a detailed materials
selection problem and to multi-stage selection problems. The overarching
goal is to learn that materials selection is a part of an overall design
effort that incorporates both technical and non technical factors.
Derive performance indices for
more complex problems |
Analyze cases in materials selection without shape |
Utilize standard solutions to derive performance indices and design
requirements |
Develop a methodology for obtaining contacts with industry for
the case study |
This week we will study the way to derive design requirements and performance
indices for materials selection where shape is unimportant. The cases can
be analyzed using graphical techniques by hand or using the CMS software.
However it is important to note that the key to the problem isn't the software,
but the analysis that precedes its use. It is useful to do at least
a couple of the problems both ways (if possible). These techniques can
be readily extended to apply to your case study. As you might imagine,
software with a more comprehensive data base and more robust decision support
computational engine are beginning to see wider application in industry.
Reading Assignment:
ASM pages 322 - 332- Failure analysis
in materials selection (for case study and background); |
Ashby pages 70 - 130-Case studies in materials selection without shape: |
Discussion Questions:
Do the solutions to standard problems
and standard performance indices constitute real engineering? |
How do the results of failure analysis help determine design requirements? |
How can you get input from professionals in the field for your case
study? |
Sample problems that we will discuss this week (these are related to
those on the homework):
Problem 3.4
You are hired by a pole-vault enthusiast who wishes
to equip himself with the very best pole, which must be cylindrical.
In use, the pole bends elastically, storing energy which is released at
the top of the flight path, projecting the jumper over the bar. Assume
that the best pole is that made of the material which stores (and then
releases) the most energy per unit volume, without failing.
Derive a performance index and use it to identify
a subset of materials which should make good vaulting poles. Does
the result match with what you know about real vaulting poles? How is the
selection changed if the criterion is that of storing the most energy per
unit weight, instead of volume?
Solution for Problem 3.4
Considering the vaulting pole as an "energy storing device," one can find
the term "energy storing devices" under the index of the Ashby text book.
(Page 307) Following the instructions, one can get all the information
to solve the problem on page 85 and 86 of the text book.
One can identify that a vaulting pole is a device of the type (b) in
figure 6.11 on page 86 in Ashby.
The elastic energy stored per unit volume in a vaulting pole is given by
equation 6.19 on page 87 of Ashby.
so |
which needs to be maximized. |
(One can pick up the right materials from Chart 4) |
As indicated in equation 6.21, the performance index for the elastic
energy stored per unit weight is given as
which needs to be maximized. (One can pick up the right
materials from Chart 5.) |
An alternative approach will be given in class.
Problem 3.1
Performance Indices for Elastic beams in Bending
(a) |
Show that the best material for a cantilever
beam of a given length
and |
given (i.e. fixed) square section (t
X t) which will deflect least under a given end load F |
("Useful Solutions", Appendix A, section 3)
is that with the largest value of the index |
M = E, where E is young's modulus (neglect
self-weight). |
(b) |
Show that the best material choice for a cantilever
beam of a given length and with
a |
given section (t X t) which will deflect least
under its own weight is that with the largest value of M = E/p where
p is the density. |
Solution for Problem 3.1
3.1 The Variously Loaded Cantilever
The point of this problem is that the performance index depends on the
mode of loading, on the geometric constraints and on the design goal.
(a) The beam is shown in Figure 3.1 (a). The end-load F produces a
deflection d
("Useful Solutions", Section 3) of |
where E is the modulus of the beam material and I is the second moment
of the area,
which, for a square section of side t, is |
so that the deflection becomes |
The magnitude of the load F and the dimensions and t are given.
The deflection d is minimized by maximizing |
M = E |
Figure 3.1 Cantilever beams, loaded in various ways,
with square sections which are fixed (a and b) and free (c and d). |
b) The self-weight creates a distributed load on the beam as shown in Figure
Its magnitude per unit length is |
f = rgt2 |
where r is the density of the beam material
and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Such a load produces a deflection
("Useful Solutions", Section 3)
As before, t and are given.
The deflection is minimized by maximizing |
Week 6 Assignments:
Ashby B 3.10, B 3.11, B 3.13, B 3.14 and B 3.17
(Due 10/14/98)
Subject: Week
6 - Ashby B 3.10, 3.11, 3.13, 3.14 & 3.17
Case Study: Document Plan for External Contact(s)
Subject: Week
6 - Case Study External Contacts
The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with experience is
arranging and conducting interviews to gain deeper insight into the case
events beyond the documented materials. Review the Collecting
Case Content section of Writing
Engineering Cases for guidelines on conducting an interview. Personal
interviews with people involved in the area of your case study often provide
some of the most valuable and interesting input to your study - to say
nothing of a networking opportunity and a chance for long term professional
connections, even jobs.
Write a brief Contact Plan for each interviewee for your Case Study.
Your contact plan should include the following information:
Contact information: Name, Phone number(s), Address, Email |
Three introductory statements to persuade prospective interviewee to
agree to the interview |
Contact log: Date, Time, Content of conversation, Appointment/call
back times |
Professional information: Position, Role in Case, What make this individual
a credible source? |
Ten questions to be used in the scheduled interview |
Reference Material:
Below is a link to a hyper linked compendium of references on failure
analysis from the ASM
For those of you who like to experiment with different software packages,
the ESM is the ZDNET of materials software. From this site you can download
shareware or demos of many programs in use in the field today.
Last update 10-3-98