Department of
Materials Science & Engineering


The Zang Research Group   


Prof. Ling Zang

USTAR Office: Rm5543 SMBB building,
Tel. 801-587-1551

Department Office: Rm209 CME building,
Tel. 801-585-0966

Fax: 801-585-0625

Mailing Address:
SMBB Building, Room 5543
36 South Wasatch Dr., Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. -- An ancient Chinese proverb

Zang's teaching philosophy:

  • The ultimate goal of my teaching is to teach students to learn actively -- to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.

  • I de-emphasize memory work, but stress the importance of applying knowledge in the problem sets and laboratory assignments.

  • Teaching is not simply lecturing to students, it is more about communication and discussion.

  • The best way to learn is to "think like a scientist".

Currently taught courses
(click for syllabus details):  

1. MSE 6034: Kinetics (3 h), graduate level, every spring.
    Lecture notes for download  

2. MSE 5034: Kinetics (3 h), undergraduate level, every spring.
    Lecture notes for download  

3. MSE 6075: Nanoscale Probing and Imaging (3 h),  every fall.
     Lecture notes for download 

4. MSE 5075: Nanoscale Probing and Imaging (3 h), every fall.
     Lecture notes for download 

5. MSE 6001: Engineering Materials, Fall 2016, 2018.

6. BIOL/CHEM/PHYS 5810/6810: Nanoscience (cross campus team teaching), every spring

(updated in August 2022)

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