Deparment of
Materials Science & Engineering


The Zang Research Group



MEMBERS > Group Leader - Dr. Ling Zang

USTAR Professor

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Board of Director, Gentex Corporation

Associate Editor:
Science of Advanced Materials, American Scientific Publishers

Editorial Board:
Scientific Reports (a Nature journal)

USTAR Office: Rm5543 SMBB building,
Tel. 801-587-1551

Department Office: Rm209 CME building,
Tel. 801-585-0966

Fax: 801-581-4816

Mailing Address:
SMBB Building, Room 5543
36 South Wasatch Dr., Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Dr. Ling Zang is a USTAR professor at University of Utah affiliated with the Department of Materials science and Engineering, and Nano Institute of Utah. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and the Royal Society of Chemistry, was previously an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, NSF CAREER Award winner, and K. C. Wong Foundation Research Fellow. Dr. Zang earned his B.S. in physical chemistry from Tsinghua University and Ph.D. in chemistry from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His current research focuses on several areas, including nanoscale imaging and molecular probing, organic semiconductors and nanostructures, metal organic frameworks, porous graphitic carbon materials, and the applications in chemical sensors and nanodevices. These research endeavors aim to address critical problems in the fields of health, environment, and public safety. Dr. Zang has been awarded various grants from federal funding agencies (e.g., NSF, DHS, DOE/ARPA-E, NIH, NASA, etc.), industries (e.g., Gentex), and private organizations (e.g., Gates Foundation) to support his broad range of research in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Beyond the regular faculty duty on campus, Dr. Zang also remains active in organizing and chairing the nanotechnology sessions of various national and international conferences, and reaching out to K-12 students and publics for education of nanotechnology and the impacts to society and industry.  Dr. Zang also strives to foster the technology transfer and commercialization. Since joining the faculty of the University of Utah in 2008, his lab has developed 36 IPs, and about half of these IPs have already been licensed to industry for development into chemical detectors and other devices. Dr. Zang has previously founded two University startups. Vaporsens, Inc., and Metallosensors, Inc., both based on innovations in sensor technology in his laboratory. Vaporsens develops nanofiber sensors for gas-phase chemical detection for homeland security, defense, public safety, and air quality monitoring. Metallosensors is focused on trace detection of heavy metal pollutants in water. In 2022, he co-founded with colleagues another startup, Novus Analytical Technologies, to develop and commercialize new generation of liquid chromatography techniques for realtime onsite analysis of water and bio-samples.

人 之云,非知之难,行之惟难;非行之难,终之斯难。
The difficult thing is not just to know something, but to do it;
The difficult thing is not even to do something, but to be persistent on doing it.

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