

Defined in header <string>

    class CharT

> class char_traits;

The char_traits class defines the stream and string operation properties of a character type, such as the types used for manipulating the characters and character strings, as well as all the common operations for the given character type.

[edit] Member types

Type Definition
char_type CharT
int_type an integer type that can hold all values of char_type plus EOF
off_type implementation-defined
pos_type implementation-defined
state_type implementation-defined

[edit] Member functions

Signature Effects / Return value Complexity
void assign(CharT &r, CharT a) noexcept assigns r = a constant
constexpr bool eq(CharT a, CharT b) noexcept shall return true if a and b are equivalent constant
constexpr bool lt( CharT a, CharT b ) noexcept shall return true if a is less than b constant
char_type *assign(CharT *p, size_t n, CharT a) shall assign value a to character string [p, p+n). Shall return p linear
char_type *move(CharT *p, const CharT *q, size_t n) shall assign character string [q, q+n) to character string [p, p+n).
Shall return p. Performs correctly even if [p, p+n) and [q, q+n) overlap.
char_type *copy(CharT *p, const CharT *q, size_t n) shall assign character string [q, q+n) to character string [p, p+n).
Shall return p. q shall not be in [p, p+n)
int compare(const CharT *p, const CharT *q, size_t n) shall return 0 if character strings [p, p+n) and [q, q+n) are equal,
shall return negative value if [p, p+n) is less than [q, q+n) and
shall return positive value if [p, p+n) is greater than [q, q+n).
The comparison is done lexicographically, using eq and lt functions.
size_t length(const char_type* s) shall return the position of the terminating Char() (i.e. null-character) linear
const char_type *find(const CharT *p, size_t n, CharT a) shall return the pointer to the first character of value a in character string p linear
constexpr char_type to_char_type(int_type a) noexcept shall return equivalent value of char_type type.
If there is no such value, return value is unspecified
constexpr int_type to_int_type(char_type a) noexcept shall return equivalent value of int_type type. constant
constexpr bool eq_int_type(int_type a, int_type b) noexcept shall return false if one of a or b equals eof() and the other is not.
Shall return true if a equals b. Return value is unspecified in other cases.
constexpr int_type eof() noexcept shall return a value not equal to any value of type char_type constant
constexpr bool not_eof(int_type a) noexcept shall return false if a and eof() are equivalent constant

(constexpr and noexcept specification were added in C++11)

There is class template char_traits defined, which serves as a basis for explicit instantiations. It fulfills all requirements of Traits concept.

Also, several specializations are defined for most common character types which which has to specify the following members:

Instantiation char_type int_type off_type pos_type state_type
char_traits<char> char int streamoff streampos mbstate_t
char_traits<wchar_t> wchar_t wint_t wstreamoff wstreampos mbstate_t
char_traits<char16_t> (C++11) char16_t int_least16_t streamoff u16streampos mbstate_t
char_traits<char32_t> (C++11) char32_t int_least32_t streamoff u32streampos mbstate_t

[edit] See also

stores and manipulates sequences of characters
(class template) [edit]