

Defined in header <regex>

    class BidirectionalIterator

> class sub_match;
(since C++11)

The class template sub_match is used by the regular expression engine to denote sequences of characters matched by marked sub-expressions. A match is a [begin, end) pair within the target range matched by the regular expression, but with additional observer functions to enhance code clarity.

Only the default constructor is publicly accessible. Instances of sub_match are normally constructed and populated as a part of a std::match_results container during the processing of one of the regex algorithms.

The member functions return defined default values unless the matched member is true.

sub_match inherits from std::pair<BidirectionalIterator, BidirectionalIterator>, although it cannot be treated as a std::pair object because member functions such as swap and assignment will not work as expected.

Several specializations for common character sequence types are provided:

Defined in header <regex>
Type Definition
csub_match sub_match<const char*>
wcsub_match sub_match<const wchar_t*>
ssub_match sub_match<std::string::const_iterator>
wssub_match sub_match<std::wstring::const_iterator>


[edit] Member types

Member type Definition
iterator BidirectionalIterator
value_type std::iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type
difference_type std::iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::difference_type
string_type std::basic_string<value_type>

[edit] Member objects

matched Indicates if this match was successful.

Inherited from std::pair

first Start of the match sequence.
second One-past-the-end of the match sequence.

[edit] Member functions

constructs the match object
(public member function) [edit]
returns the length of the match (if any)
(public member function) [edit]
converts to the underlying string type
(public member function) [edit]
compares matched subsequence (if any)
(public member function) [edit]

[edit] Non-member functions

lexicographically compares the values in the container
(function) [edit]
outputs the matched character subsequence
(function template)

[edit] See also

iterates through regex submatches
(class template)