

Defined in header <exception>
[[noreturn]] void terminate();

std::terminate() is called by the C++ runtime when exception handling fails for any of the following reasons:

1) an exception is thrown and not caught (it is implementation-defined whether any stack unwinding is done in this case)

2) an exception is thrown during exception handling (e.g. from a destructor of some local object, or from a function that had to be called during exception handling)

3) the constructor or the destructor of a static or thread-local object throws an exception

4) a function registered with std::atexit or std::at_quick_exit throws an exception

5) a noexcept specification is violated (it is implementation-defined whether any stack unwinding is done in this case)

6) a dynamic exception specification is violated and the default handler for std::unexpected is executed

7) a non-default handler for std::unexpected throws an exception that violates the previously violated dynamic exception specification, if the specification does not include std::bad_exception

8) std::nested_exception::rethrow_nested is called for an object that isn't holding a captured exception

9) an exception is thrown from the initial function of std::thread

10) a joinable std::thread is destroyed or assigned to

std::terminate() may also be called directly from the program.

In any case, std::terminate calls the currently installed std::terminate_handler. The default std::terminate_handler calls std::abort.


[edit] Parameters


[edit] Return value


[edit] Exceptions

noexcept specification:  
  (since C++11)

[edit] See also

the type of the function called by std::terminate
(typedef) [edit]