F09     N. Cotter

Assignment List and Reading



Resume & Cover Letter – Students write a resume and cover letter for an EE job opening found on the web.

      Read: Sorby and Bulleit Ch 1, 2, 3, 4.1-3, 5.1-4, 10


Proposed PowerPoint ECE current topic – Each student proposes a current topic in the field of electrical and computer engineering for a formal 5-minute (individual) oral presentation using PowerPoint.


PowerPoint, ECE Current Topic – Each student gives a 5 minute presentation (individual) using PowerPoint about a current ECE topic.  The technical level of this presentation should be for an undergraduate EE/CE audience.  Activities include critical listening and feedback.

      Read: Sorby and Bulleit Ch 8, 9


Student biography – Each student writes their biography for the home page of their website (see below).

      Read: Sorby and Bulleit Ch 8, 9


Web, student home page – Each student creates a personal web site, (hosted on a CADE computer), that includes the resume, cover letter, biography, and PowerPoint slides for the current ECE topic presentation.  This web site may be expanded for use as a student portfolio that helps student obtain employment.  If desired, the student may password protect the web site.

      Read: Sorby and Bulleit Ch 5.9, 5.10


Clinic preferences – Each student lists their areas of expertise within EE and their ranked preferences for clinics.  The instructors will use this information to assign students to clinic poster teams.


Team Agreements – Each clinic poster team creates a list of agreements governing their interactions.


Clinic Poster – Each student team prepares a poster describing one of last year's senior project clinics.  These posters will be presented to the class and may be placed in hallways at the end of the semester.

      Read: Sorby and Bulleit Ch 6.1, 6.3, 6.5, 7


E-mail, proposal for clinic sequel – Each student writes a short e-mail proposal for a continuation of the clinic described by their poster.  The proposals are sent to the course instructor for grading.

      Read: Sorby and Bulleit Ch 4.4, 4.5, 6.2


Team self-assessment – Students rate the performance of their team by allotting an imaginary bonus $10,000 to other team members.