Game Engineering II Assignment 1
This is the first assignment in the semester, and we discussed only a few things in class. The assignment concerns setting up the environments as requested and getting our first game(or application, more appropriately) built and run.
The most essential thing I want to learn in this class is understanding the structure of an industry-level game project. Before I attended this class, I had a rough idea of how to build the engine by splitting it into individual parts, but I needed to know the best approach to implement it. After I went through the assignment project, I had a basic understanding of the structure.
I learned a lot from this project and have nothing to complain about with its organization or code style. The codes are well-commented and easy to follow. It may become the standard of my future codes.
However, I was confused about the application failing to find the built shader when testing the example game. I missed the debugging settings for the example game because I took the complete settings for granted. I thought it was related to the case-sensitive when finding the path to the shader, so I edited the LUA codes that generate the shaders and unsurprisingly failed. So I asked my classmate, Yuri, for help. With his reminder, I finally find out what is going on.
The only project need to add the Graphics project to its reference is Application. ShaderBuilter project’s code mentioned the Graphics namespace but it doesn’t use any function in the Graphic, so we don’t need to add it the the reference.
I want to learn how to build a game engine from zero and some basic computer graphics knowledge. I think those skills will be beneficial when applying for a job.
Press Enter to slow the time by 66% and release it to return to the normal rate.
Press ESC to exit the game.
Oscar Zuo