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JavaTM Platform Debugger Architecture |
Following is a short summary of the enhancements to JPDA that have been added in Java SE 6. The documentation for these features is available in the JDI Specification.
Not shown here are the equivalent commands in JDWP. The documentation for these features is available in the JDWP Specification.
- JVMDI has been deleted. See its replacement, JVM TI - heap walking 5024119 Add ReferenceType.getAllInstances () method to JDI. 5089849 Add support for backtracking reference graph. New methods: VirtualMachine: boolean canGetInstanceInfo(); long[] instanceCounts(List extends ReferenceType?> refTypes); ReferenceType: List<ObjectReference> instances(long maxInstances); ObjectReference: List<ObjectReference> referringObjects(long maxReferrers); - 5024104 Allow access to Constant Pool in ClassType New methods: VirtualMachine: boolean canGetClassFileVersion(); boolean canGetConstantPool(); ReferenceType: int majorVersion(); int minorVersion(); int constantPoolCount(); byte[] constantPool(); - 4836939 JDI add addSourceFileFilter to ClassPrepareRequestb New methods: VirtualMachine: boolean canUseSourceNameFilters(); ClassPrepareRequest: void addSourceNameFilter(String sourceNamePattern); - 4490824 JDI: provide arguments when no debug attributes present New methods: StackFrame: List<Value> getArgumentValues(); - 4195445 JDWP, JDI: Add return value to Method Exit Event New methods: VirtualMachine: boolean canGetMethodReturnValues(); MethodExitEvent: Value returnValue(); - 6175634 Allow early return from method New methods: VirtualMachine: boolean canForceEarlyReturn(); ThreadReference: void forceEarlyReturn(Value value) throws InvalidTypeException, ClassNotLoadedException, IncompatibleThreadStateException; - 4401399 Request for breakpoints for monitor acquisitions and releases New methods: VirtualMachine boolean canRequestMonitorEvents(); EventRequestManager: List<MonitorContendedEnterRequest> monitorContendedEnterRequests(); List<MonitorContendedEnteredRequest> monitorContendedEnteredRequests(); List<MonitorWaitRequest> monitorWaitRequests(); List<MonitorWaitedRequest> monitorWaitedRequests(); New classes: public interface MonitorContendedEnterRequest extends EventRequest public interface MonitorContendedEnteredRequest extends EventRequest public interface MonitorWaitRequest extends EventRequest public interface MonitorWaitedRequest extends EventRequest public interface MonitorContendedEnterEvent extends LocatableEvent public interface MonitorContendedEnteredEvent extends LocatableEvent public interface MonitorWaitEvent extends LocatableEvent public interface MonitorWaitedEvent extends LocatableEvent - 6230699 Need to be able to get the location at which a monitor was acquired New methods: VirtualMachine boolean canGetMonitorFrameInfo(); ThreadReference List<MonitorInfo> ownedMonitorsAndFrames() throws IncompatibleThreadStateException; New classes: public interface MonitorInfo extends Mirror - 4527279: Need a better way to find out the port number on which JPDA is listening New Connector:, with arguments pid and timeout This allows a debugger to attach to a debuggee started in debug mode via process id instead of transport address.
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