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Java Management Extensions (JMX) Examples

The files listed below are code examples demonstrating some of the main features of JMX technology. You can use these examples to develop more complex MBeans and full-featured JMX agents to fit your management solution.

Each example consists of Java source files and a README file. The README file explains the topics covered by the example and instructions for compiling and running the classes.

You can also download a Zip file of all the JMX technology examples. For more complete descriptions of how to run the examples, see the JMX Technology Tutorial.

Note - In addition to the examples presented here, once you have installed the Java Development Kit (JDK) 6, a sample application that demonstrates a real-life implementation of the JMX API can be found in the following directory:


In the path above, JDK_HOME is the directory in which the JDK software is installed. The jmx-scandir example is an advanced example, which presents advanced concepts of the JMX API in a real-world scenario.

The following JMX technology examples are provided in the examples ZIP file:

JMX Essentials

This example introduces the fundamental notion of the JMX API, namely managed beans, or MBeans.

View the README file or the source code for the Java classes used:

JMX MBean Notifications

This example implements MBean notifications.

View the README file or the source code for the Java classes used:


This example demonstrates the use of MXBeans.

View the README file or the source code for the Java classes used:

MBean Descriptors

This example demonstrates the use of MBean Descriptors.

View the README file or the source code for the Java classes used:

JMX Connectors

This example provides a sample implementation of how to connect to MBeans and perform operations on them remotely.

View the README file or the source code for the Java classes used:

Lookup Services

The JMX API defines three bindings to lookup services, using existing lookup technologies These examples provide a sample implementation of each type of lookup service.


The JMX API implements existing security protocols to secure your connections.

These examples provide a sample secure implementations

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Java Technology