CS 7943: Networking Seminar — Spring 2015
Fridays, 2:00pm-3:30pm MEB 3515
Schedule (subject to change)
About the Class
The spring 2015 Networking Seminar (CS 7943) is offered with two primary goals.
First, to increase participants' familiarity with recent and important results in the area
of networking research. Attendees will read and discuss papers from recent and imminent
top-tier networking conferences: e.g., NSDI, SIGCOMM, NDSS, MobiCom, MobiSys etc. Attendees will typically discuss
one paper each week.
Second, to be a venue for student presentations. Students will take turns to lead the
discussion of the research paper chosen for the meeting.
Assignments and Grading
For each class meeting (except the first week), each student should submit
a summary of the paper to be discussed. (I.e., no summary is required for the "How to read a
paper" paper.)
Paper summaries
are due before the start of the meeting. Summaries are
to be submitted via the course Canvas page.
Course communication
Course communication will be done via Canvas.
College of Engineering Academic Guidelines
You can read about the College of Engineering's policies on appeals,
withdrawing from courses, and repeating courses here.