CS 7320 / ME EN 7220
System Identification for Robotics
Spring 2018

Instructor: John Hollerbach
Office hours: TH 12:30-2pm (MEB 2178)
Email: jmhATcs.utah.edu
Phone: 585-6978
Teaching Assistant: Bala Sundaralingam
Email: bala@cs.utah.edu
Office hours: W 2-4pm (MEB 3115)

Classes: WEB L122, TH 10:45am-12:05pm
Course web page: http://www.eng.utah.edu/~cs7320

This course is one of the offerings in the Action group of restricted electives in the Robotics Track.


CS 6310/ME 6220.


Course notes will be provided. All materials will be accessible through the course web page.


The grade will be based on homework assignments (50%) and projects (50%).

Homework assignments will typically include programming assignments using Matlab. Homework will be due at midnight of the indicated day. You will prepare your homework using Latex, and format according to IEEE conference templates. Late work will lose 10% per day late up to 2 days late. After that, a grade of zero will be assigned. If you are uncertain about homework questions, it is your responsibility to contact the instructor for clarification.

The College of Engineering guidelines are in effect for this course.