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CS6640 -- Project 3
Assigned Sept 30, 2013
Due October 21 (Midnight)

A PDF version of this assignment is here.


The purpose of this assignment is to learn about image transformations (warping) and image mosaicing. Please read following instructions carefully.


You are to build a function in matlab executed as follows:
where parameter-file-name is of type string, and it specifies a file of parameters that will be read. An example of the particular type of files your program should read is given here. The parameter file specifies image files and control points. Please do not hard code your examples in a Matlab or C++ file -- you should read specific mosaicing examples from a parameter file. It also specifies the name of an output file, which will contain a mosaic image that includes all of the input images represented in the domain of the target image, as specified in the parameter file. Your program should properly read a file like this and properly use the parameter. Your code can read more parameters, but it cannot require them. The parameter files should allow for C++ comments, so that you can keep track of your correspondences and experiments. In Matlab, you can read easily text from a file ignoring C++ comments by setting flag (search the help). If you are using Vispack/C++, there is a set of code in place to help you deal with reading parameters and setting up transformations, you can find that you need here, and you can start by looking at the README in that directory.

This support for parameter files is important, because it will be necessary to run lots of experiments without constantly changing hardcoded items in your code/scripts. I.e. you should not be constantly changing your code.

Grading and Report

To get a good grade, your report should show that you have experimented with the mosaicing algorithm, analyzed its behavior, etc. Your report should explicitly answer all indicated with underlines. You should also build your algorithm to handle some tricky details that are not specified.




To the extent that your algorithm handles these details in a good way, it will improve your grade.
Contrast: A good algorithm should automatically adjust for major intensity differences.
Feathering: A good algorithm should alleviate sharp transitions between images.
Image size: A good algorithm should should produce an output image that is a good size and shape to display all of the images.
Cascading: A typical set of images and control points might not include connections directly back to the target output image. Hopefully you can always get from any given image to the target by a series of projective transformations. This is a graph traversal problem (not a hard one). A good algorithm would automatically find a transformation back to the target (if one exists).
Mosaic Example: An example input data set is given in mosaic example.


Inverse Transforms: Remember that the projective transformation need for image mosaicing is described by a 3x3 matrix A. The inverse of this matrix describes the inverse of the associated projective transformation.
Cascading: The net result of cascading two consecutive projective transformations is described by multiplying their associated matrices (in homogeneous coordinates), i.e. AB.
Sizing Outputs: In order to figure out the size and extent needed for the output, you can look at where the corners of an image map. The image maps to a quadrilateral defined by these four points.

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Ross Whitaker 2013-09-29