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CS6640 - Project 1
Assigned Aug. 26, 2013
Due Sept. 11 (Just before midnight)


The purpose of this project is for you to develop the software platform you will use for the course (C++ or Matlab), to get familiar with the process and expectations for reports, and to write code and experiment with thresholding and connected components in images.

Build a Histogram

Implement a function or routine, for instance in matlab
histogram(I, n, min, max)
that takes a 2D array (image) I as input (integers or floats) and returns a 1D array of floats (length n) that give the relative frequency of the occurance of greyscale values in each of the n bins that equally (to within integer round off) divide the range of (integer) values between min and max.

Experiment with this function on different images and show graphs or plots, in your report, of the histogram. Explain how the histogram makes sense for each particular image. For the graphs you can use whatever software you want, e.g. Matlab plotting routines, MS Excell, Open office. Document how you did it and show examples.

Connected Components Analysis

You will write software to do a connected component analysis and apply it to the problem of dividing an image into pieces based on a set of thresholds.

Implement software routines (functions) that do the following:

  1. Dual threshold routine that takes two thresholds and returns a binary image of pixels that fall between them.
  2. Flood fill with inputs of binary image, a seed point, and label value (for the output) and a label image (for the output) and returns a flood fill on the label image with the label value.
  3. Connected component routine that takes as input a binary image, starting label value, label image, and returns the revised label image, with new labels in the CCs for this binary map, and an ending label value.

You should experiment with thresholds, using your histogram from the first part, and connected components on the following images:

  1. Turkeys: Dark turkeys on a light background. Single threshold.
  2. Simple Shapes: A simple example with 3 shape (4 intensities with background) and noise.
  3. MRI Brain: A brain with 3 types of tissues and air (4 intensities with background) and noise.

You must also experiment with several of your own images.

Hints: For visualization, many viewers will allow you to assign random colors to greyscale intensities (i.e. your label map), in order to get color images that show regions.

Topological Denoising

Write code to remove connected components that are smaller than a certain threshold. You should convert the labels for these components to the label of an adjacent component -- ideally the component that has the largest boundary with the little one. This is easy to do if you think about a 1-pass algorithm where pixels ``vote''.

Hints: It will pay to associated with each connected component a small array of data so that you can keep track of the size, neighboring component pixels, etc.

You should experiment with your system on the images above and a few images you find yourself. Try different thresholds for intensity and component size and shows results. Also, discuss what further additions you could make to your system to get better results for these problems.

An example of the way this ``system'' would operate is given in the figure below. The input image on the right contains regions with 3 different grey values--black, white, and grey. Thus, two thresholds would be necessary. One threshold to distinguish black from grey/white (black is below the threshold). The second threshold would distinguish grey from white (grey is below). Combining the connected component analysis on these three binary outputs would produce a set of labels, as shown (by color) in the middle figure. If we then run the topological denoising algorithm, we might (if we set the size threshold properly) remove all the small diamond-shaped regions. Those regions get labels that allow them to blend into adjacent regions, as shown in the figure on the left.

Figure 1: Right) An input image has three distinct type of regions: black, grey, white. Middle) A connected component analysis run on two different thresholds gives a set of labels (shown as different colors). Left) Removal of small regions and relabelling to merge with adjacent regions.
Image proj1_tmp

Motion Detection

Using the methods from above (connected components, topological denoising), to write code to automatically find moving objects (components) in images. You can subtract to images from a static camera to find what has changes. Use this system to find the dog in the images below:
Image houndog1 Image houndog2
You can find the images here and here . Generate your own sequence of images to test this approach on. Discuss the challenges of making this method work effectively.

Instructions, Requirements, and Restrictions

  1. Write your project code in a single directory, called project1.
  2. For Matlab each individual function (including functions you define) should be a ``.m'' file, and your functions should call one another as necessary.
  3. You should have in your report a short description of each algorithm you used and documentation on how your code is organized. Failure to do this will result in a loss of points.
  4. Your project report will be in the form of an html file called index.html, contained in that directory. All links from that file must be relative and all other files necessary to read your report must be in that directory (or subdirectories).
  5. You should use examples of images in your report. They should be viewable in the browser when we open your html file.
  6. You will submit a single tar file created from from your project directory with the unix command tar -czf project1.tgz./project1.

About this document ...

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Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, Ross Moore, Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.

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The translation was initiated by Ross Whitaker on 2013-09-04

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Ross Whitaker 2013-09-04