CS6480: Advanced Computer Networks - Fall
Instructor: Prof. Kobus Van der
M, W 3:00 PM - 4:20 PM, MEB 2325
CS 6480 is a graduate level course on computer networking. The course will consist of a taught component, as
well as a term course project. The taught component of the course will focus on advanced
networking topics by studying a combination of classic research papers as well as current and
emerging topics in computer networking and by doing a number of hands-on lab assignments.
Specific focus areas will include cloud computing and network function virtualization,
network measurement and management,
software defined networking and network architectures.
Term course projects will be expected to address a significant networking problem and to form the
basis for a possible conference/workshop paper or poster submission. Projects will be chosen
from a wide range of networking related topics and can include analysis, measurement, simulation
or implementation. As such the course is suitable for Masters and PhD students wishing to explore
or engage in networking related research.
B- or better grade for CS 4480, or instructor permission. (In essence this
implies mastery of basic computer networking topics such as those
covered in: Computer Networking: A
Top-Down Approach (7th Edition) by James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross,
Pearson. )
More Details:
Here is a more detailed syllabus.
Course website:
The course Canvas website is here.