CS/ECE 5785/6785: Advanced Embedded Systems Lab Page (Fall 2010)
(back to the main 5785 page)
Lab logistics
You can use the lab machines to do your work, but you do not need to. The
CodeWarrior software is freely available and the boards connect
using USB. Summary: almost any modern Windows PC suffices for
project development. Note: Please install CodeWarrior 10 from the
Freescale web site, not from the CDROM in your microcontroller kit. The
version on the web is newer and it does not have license manager complications.
If you use the lab machines, store your work on a USB flash disk
rather than on the lab machines. There are two reasons. First, this
work may not be there next time you show up at the lab. Second,
putting work on these machines makes it easy for others to copy your
work, potentially making you complicit in a plagiarism case.
Lab access
The ECE digital lab, MEB 2265, is open 24/7
To get into the lab using your UCard, you need one that has the proper
RFID chip. This is indicated by the presence of a string starting with
2* on the back side of the card. If you do not have this, you
need to go to the UCard office in the Union and get a new card. You must
specifically ask for one that lets you access card readers in MEB.
Once you have a card with the 2* on it, you will need to give the
number to the
ECE Digital Lab admins, so they can enable access for you.
Microcontroller Kit
Each group should check out one ColdFire kit containing a M52233DEMO board.
You check this board out by signing the loan agreement with the lab
administrators. You are responsible for returning this entire kit
clean and in working condition. You are responsible for up to $250 in
loss or damage fees.
Handled carefully, your boards will last a long time.
However, it is not hard to fry or break a board through carelessness.
Never drop a board and always touch something grounded before touching it,
or anything connected to it.
It is possible to damage equipment by creating a faulty circuit and then
powering it up. If there is any question about whether a circuit is wired
up right, ask the TA or John to take a look before powering it up.
How do labs work?
Some labs periods, you will not have anything to hand in. You are free to
attend or not attend these as you see fit. If you show up we'll be there to help.
Some lab periods, a lab will be due. Labs are always due by the end of the
lab period on the due date. Some lab handins will be all paper,
for other labs you will submit code or show something to us. In all cases the
lab assignment will make it clear what you need to do to finish the lab (if not
let me know).
Most of the time, you will receive a new lab assignment on the same day that
the previous one is due. So, during the same lab period in which you hand in
one lab, you should look over the next one and ask me and Eli any questions that
you have.
It is not expected that you can finish all labs during the lab periods.
You should show up at the lab with your lab finished, on the day that it
is due.
If you do not do this, you take a
significant risk of missing the deadline.
Useful links
Hardware manuals:
site for downloading
for ColdFire V2 -- download the "special edition" version 10.0 (you only
need to do this if you want to run the tools on your own machine -- the lab
machines already have this installed)
a tool for generating ColdFire initialization code; you are free to use
it, but we won't provide any support or help with it
Lab equipment
Provided for you:
M52233DEMO board
computer with CodeWarrior tools installed
USB cable
function generator
oscilloscope / logic analyzer
Each group is responsible for acquiring:
wiring kit OR some 22 AWG solid wire and a wire stripper
various inexpensive components supporting individual labs:
heat-shrink tubing
USB flash memory disk (1 GB is easily enough)
Most of this can be purchased in the lab, or feel free to buy stuff
on your own. My favorite local electronics store is Ra-Elco at
2780 S. Main St.
This page is maintained by John Regehr, mail me if you find a
mistake or if any content is unclear.