CS 5510 Homework 6

Due: Wednesday, October 7th, 2015 11:59pm

Implement an interpreter with lazy evaluation and the following grammar:

  <Expr> = <Num>
         | <Sym>
         | {+ <Expr> <Expr>}
         | {* <Expr> <Expr>}
         | {lambda {<id>} <Expr>}
         | {<Expr> <Expr>}
         | {let {[<id> <Expr>]} <Expr>}
         | {if0 <Expr> <Expr> <Expr>}
         | {cons <Expr> <Expr>}
         | {first <Expr>}
         | {rest <Expr>}

That is, a language with single-argument functions and application, an if-zero conditional, and cons, first, and rest operations. (The language does not include recursive bindings or records.) The cons operation does not require its second argument to be a list, so rest can also return a non-list.

Implement your interpreter with the plai-typed language, not a lazy language.

Evaluation of the interpreted langauge must be lazy, however. In particular, if a function never uses the value of an argument, then the argument expression should not be evaluated. Similarly, if the first or rest of a cons cell is never needed, then the first or rest expression should not be evaluated.

Start with more-lazy.rkt. Expand the parse function to support the new forms: if0, cons, first, and rest. Also, as in HW 5, provide an interp-expr function; the interp-expr wrapper for interp should take an expression and return either a number S-expression, `function for a function result, or `cons for a cons result. (Meanwhile, the interp function should never return the symbol `cons, just like the starting interp function never returns the symbol `function.)

  (test (interp-expr (parse '10))
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{+ 10 17}))
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{* 10 7}))
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{{lambda {x} {+ x 12}}
                              {+ 1 17}}))
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{let {[x 0]}
                               {let {[f {lambda {y} {+ x y}}]}
                                 {+ {f 1}
                                    {let {[x 3]}
                                      {f 2}}}}}))
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{if0 0 1 2}))
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{if0 1 1 2}))
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{cons 1 2}))
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{first {cons 1 2}}))
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{rest {cons 1 2}}))
  ;; Lazy evaluation:
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{{lambda {x} 0}
                              {+ 1 {lambda {y} y}}}))
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{let {[x {+ 1 {lambda {y} y}}]}
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{first {cons 3
                                          {+ 1 {lambda {y} y}}}}))
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{rest {cons {+ 1 {lambda {y} y}}
  (test (interp-expr (parse '{first {cons 5
                                          ;; Infinite loop:
                                          {{lambda {x} {x x}}
                                           {lambda {x} {x x}}}}}))
  (test (interp-expr 
          '{let {[mkrec
                  ;; This is call-by-name mkrec
                  ;;  (simpler than call-by-value):
                  {lambda {body-proc}
                    {let {[fX {lambda {fX}
                                {body-proc {fX fX}}}]}
                      {fX fX}}}]}
              {let {[fib
                      {lambda {fib}
                        ;; Fib:
                        {lambda {n}
                          {if0 n
                               {if0 {+ n -1}
                                    {+ {fib {+ n -1}}
                                       {fib {+ n -2}}}}}}}}]}
                ;; Call fib on 4:
                {fib 4}}}))

  (test (interp-expr 
          '{let {[mkrec
                  ;; This is call-by-name mkrec
                  ;;  (simpler than call-by-value):
                  {lambda {body-proc}
                    {let {[fX {lambda {fX}
                                {body-proc {fX fX}}}]}
                      {fX fX}}}]}
             {let {[nats-from
                     {lambda {nats-from}
                       ;; nats-from:
                       {lambda {n}
                         {cons n {nats-from {+ n 1}}}}}}]}
               {let {[list-ref
                       {lambda {list-ref}
                         ;; list-ref:
                         {lambda {n}
                           {lambda {l}
                             {if0 n
                                  {first l}
                                  {{list-ref {+ n -1}} {rest l}}}}}}}]}
                 ;; Call list-ref on infinite list:
                 {{list-ref 4} {nats-from 2}}}}}))

Last update: Tuesday, September 29th, 2015