;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrScheme. They record metadata ;; about the language level of this file in a form that our tools can easily process. #reader(planet plai/plai:1:3/lang/reader) (define-type BCFAE [num (n number?)] [add (lhs BCFAE?) (rhs BCFAE?)] [sub (lhs BCFAE?) (rhs BCFAE?)] [id (name symbol?)] [fun (param symbol?) (body BCFAE?)] [app (fun-expr BCFAE?) (arg-expr BCFAE?)] [newbox (val-expr BCFAE?)] [setbox (box-expr BCFAE?) (val-expr BCFAE?)] [openbox (box-expr BCFAE?)] [seqn (first-expr BCFAE?) (second-expr BCFAE?)]) (define-type BCFAE-Value [numV (n number?)] [closureV (param symbol?) (body BCFAE?) (ds DefrdSub?)] [boxV (address integer?)]) (define-type DefrdSub [mtSub] [aSub (name symbol?) (value BCFAE-Value?) (rest DefrdSub?)]) (define-type Store [mtSto] [aSto (address integer?) (value BCFAE-Value?) (rest Store?)]) (define-type Value*Store [v*s (value BCFAE-Value?) (store Store?)]) ;; ---------------------------------------- ;; parse : S-expr -> BCFAE (define (parse sexp) (cond [(number? sexp) (num sexp)] [(symbol? sexp) (id sexp)] [(pair? sexp) (case (car sexp) [(+) (add (parse (second sexp)) (parse (third sexp)))] [(-) (sub (parse (second sexp)) (parse (third sexp)))] [(fun) (fun (first (second sexp)) (parse (third sexp)))] [(newbox) (newbox (parse (second sexp)))] [(setbox) (setbox (parse (second sexp)) (parse (third sexp)))] [(openbox) (openbox (parse (second sexp)))] [(seqn) (seqn (parse (second sexp)) (parse (third sexp)))] [else (app (parse (first sexp)) (parse (second sexp)))])])) (test (parse 3) (num 3)) (test (parse 'x) (id 'x)) (test (parse '{+ 1 2}) (add (num 1) (num 2))) (test (parse '{- 1 2}) (sub (num 1) (num 2))) (test (parse '{fun {x} x}) (fun 'x (id 'x))) (test (parse '{1 2}) (app (num 1) (num 2))) (test (parse '{newbox 1}) (newbox (num 1))) (test (parse '{setbox 1 2}) (setbox (num 1) (num 2))) (test (parse '{openbox 1}) (openbox (num 1))) (test (parse '{seqn 1 2}) (seqn (num 1) (num 2))) ;; ---------------------------------------- ;; interp : BCFAE DefrdSub Store -> Value*Store (define (interp a-fae ds st) (type-case BCFAE a-fae [num (n) (v*s (numV n) st)] [add (r l) (interp-two r l ds st (lambda (v1 v2 st) (v*s (num+ v1 v2) st)))] [sub (r l) (interp-two r l ds st (lambda (v1 v2 st) (v*s (num- v1 v2) st)))] [id (name) (v*s (lookup name ds) st)] [fun (param body-expr) (v*s (closureV param body-expr ds) st)] [app (fun-expr arg-expr) (interp-two fun-expr arg-expr ds st (lambda (fun-val arg-val st) (interp (closureV-body fun-val) (aSub (closureV-param fun-val) arg-val (closureV-ds fun-val)) st)))] [newbox (expr) (type-case Value*Store (interp expr ds st) [v*s (val st) (local [(define a (malloc st))] (v*s (boxV a) (aSto a val st)))])] [setbox (bx-expr val-expr) (interp-two bx-expr val-expr ds st (lambda (bx-val val st3) (v*s val (aSto (boxV-address bx-val) val st3))))] [openbox (bx-expr) (type-case Value*Store (interp bx-expr ds st) [v*s (bx-val st) (v*s (store-lookup (boxV-address bx-val) st) st)])] [seqn (a b) (interp-two a b ds st (lambda (v1 v2 st) (v*s v2 st)))])) ;;interp-two : BCFAE BCFAE DefrdSub Store ;; (Value Value Store -> Value*Store) ;; -> Value*Store (define (interp-two expr1 expr2 ds st handle) (type-case Value*Store (interp expr1 ds st) [v*s (val1 st2) (type-case Value*Store (interp expr2 ds st2) [v*s (val2 st3) (handle val1 val2 st3)])])) ;; num-op : (number number -> number) -> (BCFAE-Value BCFAE-Value -> BCFAE-Value) (define (num-op op op-name x y) (numV (op (numV-n x) (numV-n y)))) (define (num+ x y) (num-op + '+ x y)) (define (num- x y) (num-op - '- x y)) ;; malloc : Store -> integer (define (malloc st) (+ 1 (max-address st))) ;; max-address : Store -> integer (define (max-address st) (type-case Store st [mtSto () 0] [aSto (n v st) (max n (max-address st))])) ;; lookup : symbol DefrdSub -> BCFAE-Value (define (lookup name ds) (type-case DefrdSub ds [mtSub () (error 'lookup "free variable")] [aSub (sub-name val rest-ds) (if (symbol=? sub-name name) val (lookup name rest-ds))])) ;; store-lookup : number Store -> BCFAE-Value (define (store-lookup addr st) (type-case Store st [mtSto () (error 'store-lookup "unallocated")] [aSto (sto-addr val rest-st) (if (= addr sto-addr) val (store-lookup addr rest-st))])) ;; ---------------------------------------- ;; Old, functional tests: (test (interp (parse 10) (mtSub) (mtSto)) (v*s (numV 10) (mtSto))) (test (interp (parse '{+ 10 17}) (mtSub) (mtSto)) (v*s (numV 27) (mtSto))) (test (interp (parse '{- 10 7}) (mtSub) (mtSto)) (v*s (numV 3) (mtSto))) (test (interp (parse '{{fun {x} {+ x 12}} {+ 1 17}}) (mtSub) (mtSto)) (v*s (numV 30) (mtSto))) (test (interp (parse 'x) (aSub 'x (numV 10) (mtSub)) (mtSto)) (v*s (numV 10) (mtSto))) (test (interp (parse '{{fun {x} {{fun {f} {+ {f 1} {{fun {x} {f 2}} 3}}} {fun {y} {+ x y}}}} 0}) (mtSub) (mtSto)) (v*s (numV 3) (mtSto))) (test/exn (interp (parse 'x) (mtSub) (mtSto)) "free variable") ;; ---------------------------------------- ;; Store tests: (test (interp (parse '{seqn 1 2}) (mtSub) (mtSto)) (v*s (numV 2) (mtSto))) (test (interp (parse '{{fun {b} {openbox b}} {newbox 10}}) (mtSub) (mtSto)) (v*s (numV 10) (aSto 1 (numV 10) (mtSto)))) (test (interp (parse '{{fun {b} {openbox b}} {seqn {newbox 9} {newbox 10}}}) (mtSub) (mtSto)) (v*s (numV 10) (aSto 2 (numV 10) (aSto 1 (numV 9) (mtSto))))) (test (interp (parse '{{{fun {b} {fun {a} {openbox b}}} {newbox 9}} {newbox 10}}) (mtSub) (mtSto)) (v*s (numV 9) (aSto 2 (numV 10) (aSto 1 (numV 9) (mtSto))))) (test (interp (parse '{{fun {b} {seqn {setbox b 12} {openbox b}}} {newbox 10}}) (mtSub) (mtSto)) (v*s (numV 12) (aSto 1 (numV 12) (aSto 1 (numV 10) (mtSto))))) (test/exn (interp (parse '{openbox x}) (aSub 'x (boxV 1) (mtSub)) (mtSto)) "unallocated")