CS 6310 & ECE 5650/6650 & ME 5220/6220 Projects

  1. Lab 1: Due 4 Oct.

    DH parameter labeling.

  2. Lab 2: Broken into two parts 2a and 2b. Your group should do part 2b section 1, due on November 6. When the robot is running, we will then schedule the actual labs to due part 2a and section 2 of part 2b.

    • Lab 2a: Introduction to ROS and Baxter [docx]. This is a demonstration only during the first part of the lab.

    • Lab 2: Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots [docx]. Submit requested files to gradescope according to the instructions.

  3. Lab 3: Due December 2 (extra credit). Baxter Positioning


      Please submit your code and your inverse kinematics calculation.