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CS 5060, Fall 2009
Legal Protection of Digital Information

Monday, 6:00-7:40 PM, WEB L102
Two Credits
Professor Lee A. Hollaar

Class Schedule and Reading Assignments

CS 5060 examines ways of protecting computer software using intellectual property law: primarily copyright, patents, and trade secrets. It will then go through "open source" and "free" software licenses, and in particular the General Public License (GPL), seeing what they cover and require.

The course will also spend time of copyright as it applies to new technologies such as P2P file sharing and the effect of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

This course will most likely not be offered during the 2010-2011 academic year.

Important note for SoC graduate students: Under present School of Computing rules, 5000-level CS courses may not be counted in your program of study for graduation. However, if you want to learn about software intellectual property law and licenses like the GPL, you should take this class.

Last revised 08-23-2009

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