On this page:
Example Scripts
whoosh Script Syntax
whoosh Script Semantics
Examples and Tests

Shell Assignment

This shell assignment is inspired by the one by Bryant and O’Hallaron for Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition

Due: Friday, November 10, 11:59pm

For this assignment, you will implement a simple shell-scripting language, whoosh. The whoosh language is not entirely unlike bash, but whoosh is intended exclusively for batch mode. The starting code includes the language parser and an initial evaluation framework that works for a single command. You will change the initial evaluation so that it supports running multiple processes, in some cases capturing output to a variable or sending a variable’s content as input.

Example Scripts

Before describing the syntax and semantics of whoosh scripts, we provide examples to illustrate the main ideas.

whoosh Script Syntax

This grammar is described using Backus-Naur Form (BNF), which is a style of context-free grammar that you’ll see used for most any programming-language definition. Text with a gray background, such as repeat, indicates characters that appear verbatim in a script. Text in angle brackets, such as command, is a non-terminal that refers to a grammar production. Each |-separated line is an alternative. A * on a non-terminal means zero or more repetitions of the terminal, and a ? means that the non-terminal is optional. Non-linebreaking whitespace is implicitly allowed between grammar elements.

You don’t have to parse whoosh scripts, since a complete parser is provided with the starting code, but you will need to understand the syntax of whoosh scripts.

A whoosh script can contain blank lines or lines that start immediately with #, and those lines are ignored. Any other line must have the form of a group:







repeat n commands

That is, a group is a commands optionally prefixed with repeat n.

The commands for a group is a single command or multiple commands to run in “and” mode or “or” mode. Multiple commands in “and” mode are grouped with &&, and multiple commands in “or” mode are grouped with ||:

















command && and-commands







command || or-commands

A single command could also parse as or-commands or and-commands. It turns out that all three interpretations behave the same way, while the parser reports a single command as a special case.

A command can be a simple-command, which is much like a command in any shell language: the path of an executable file (as an absolute path or relative to the current directory) followed by arguments to the executable:




executable argument*

More generally, a command can start with a variable followed by => to supply the command’s input, it can include => followed by a variable to receive the command’s output, and it can end in @ variable to receive the command’s process ID:




in-variable? simple-command out-variable? at-variable?




variable =>




=> variable




@ variable

An executable or argument can be a literal, such as /bin/ls or -l, where " acts as an escape to allow arbitrary ASCII characters (other than " itself) until a closing ". Instead of a literal, an argument can be a variable, which always starts $.















sequence of characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ., :, _, -, =, and/or / and/or other characters between matching "s




$ followed by a sequence of characters a-z, A-Z, and/or 0-9

whoosh Script Semantics

Each command in a whoosh program starts a process in the usual way. When a group contains multiple commands, the corresponding processes are all started at once whether in “and” mode or “or” mode.

Each group in a whoosh program runs to completion before the next group is started. The definition of “completion” depends on the group form:

If whoosh receives SIGINT, such as when Ctl-C is pressed, then it immediately terminates all processes for the current group using SIGTERM plus SIGCONT and moves on to the next group (if any). Meanwhile, if a command process sends a signal to all processes in its group, the signal should not affect whoosh.

A group that starts repeat n is the same as n lines that contain the group without the repeat n prefix.

If a command starts with variable =>, then the string value of variable plus a newline character is copied to the command’s standard input. The value of variable will always be at most 4096 bytes. Otherwise, the command uses the same standard input stream as the whoosh process.

If a command has => variable after the simple-command part, then the command’s standard output is captured and copied into the variable as a string—but only if the command’s process completes with a 0 status (i.e., claims success). In that case, if the command’s output ends in a newline, the newline is removed before the output is copied into variable. To make output handling simpler, the output must always be 4096 bytes or less. If the command’s process completes with a non-0 status, then variable is set to the status value. If the command’s process is terminated by a signal, then then variable is set to the negated signal number.For the purposes of this assignment, assume that a process is never stopped with SIGSTOP, except that SIGCONT is used to continue a process in case that’s needed to terminate it.

If a command ends with @ variable, then variable will be set to the command’s process ID. If the command is part of an “and” or “or” group, then variable is set before the variable’s value is used (as input or as an argument) for any later command in the same group.

Every variable used by a script is initialized to 0 when the script starts.


The shlab-handout.zip archives provides an initial woosh implementation that works for the simplest example above. Your job is to change "whoosh.c" to implement the rest of the whoosh functionality. Within "whoosh.c", you can add functions, change function signatures, or whatever to implement new functionality.

You will handin a single file, "whoosh.c", which must use only ANSI standard C syntax, standard C libraries, Linux system libraries, and the "csapp.c" wrapper functions.

You will need to read "ast.h" to know how the whoosh parser represents programs, but you will not need to modify or understand "parse.c". Feel free to use the fail function provided by "fail.c".

Note that the script_command structure in "ast.h" includes an extra_data field. You can use that pointer field to store any extra information with a command that you find useful.

Examples and Tests

The "scripts" directory of the unpacked archive includes subdirectories: "0-single", "1-variable", "2-and", "3-or", and "4-ctl-c". The scripts in those directories correspond to five different of completion for this assignment: basic support, the addition of support for “and” group, the addition of support for “or” group, and the addition of Ctl-C support.

For example, after unpacking the archive, you can use

  $ make

  $ ./whoosh scripts/0-single/0-ls-l.whoosh

to try the first example, which is the only one that will work initially.

The example scripts include (to varying degrees of precision) the expected output of each example. The expected-output information is in a format recognized by the "test.rkt" script. You can run the initial whoosh build on "ls-l.whoosh" as a test with

  $ racket test.rkt scripts/0-single/0-ls-l.whoosh

If you supply a directory to "test.rkt", then all files in the directory (recurring to subdirectories) that end with ".whoosh" are run as tests:

  $ racket test.rkt scripts/0-single

  ... runs all 0-single tests ...

  $ racket test.rkt scripts

  ... runs all provided tests ...

The "test.rkt" script also accepts an optional --program option to specify a whoosh implementation other than "./whoosh".

Naturally, grading may test your implementation on more or different scripts.


Grades will be assigned based on a level of completion, where each level requires success at the lower levels:

Although tests are provides in "scripts", grading may use additional tests of similar complexity at each level.
