#lang plait #:untyped ;;1- Using (let ...) implement `len function recursively, which takes a list and returns its length ;;2- implement `sum-l function recursively, which takes a list and returns the summation of all its elements #;(let ([len (lambda (l) (type-case (Listof 'x) l (empty 0) ((cons fst rst) (+ 1 (len rst)))))]) (len (list 1 2 3))) ;; implement the same code using (if ...) instead of (type-case ...) ;; The following is not working because the binding in let is not known on the rhs. #;(let ([len (lambda (l) (if (empty? l) 0 (+ 1 (len (rest l)))))]) (len (list 1 2 3))) ;; pass the function to itself as an arg, so that it is known in the lambda body. #;(let ([lenX (lambda (lenX l) (if (empty? l) 0 (+ 1 (lenX lenX (rest l)))))]) (lenX lenX (list 1 2 3))) ;; the original len definition is the word len, so wrap the above (let ...) in a (lambda ...) and bind it to the word len. #;(let ([len (lambda (l) (let ([lenX (lambda (lenX l) (if (empty? l) 0 (+ 1 (lenX lenX (rest l)))))]) (lenX lenX l)))]) (len (list 1 2 3))) ;; curry only lenX => encode 2 arg lambda as 1 arg lambdas #;(let ([len (lambda (l) (let ([lenX (lambda (lenX) (lambda (l) (if (empty? l) 0 (+ 1 ((lenX lenX) (rest l))))))]) ((lenX lenX) l)))]) (len (list 1 2 3))) ;; Simplify by removinf the first (lambda (l) ...) #;(let ([len (let ([lenX (lambda (lenX) (lambda (l) (if (empty? l) 0 (+ 1 ((lenX lenX) (rest l))))))]) (lenX lenX))]) (len (list 1 2 3))) ;; almost the original len, except that instead of (len ...) we have (lenX lenX) => bind (lenX lenX) to the word len, but ;; the self-application (lenX lenX) at (let ([len (letX letX)]) ...) will be evaluated always, which makes an infinite loop. ;; Whereas, previously we had the self-application only in the else branch. #;(let ([len (let ([lenX (lambda (lenX) (let ([len (lenX lenX)]) (lambda (l) (if (empty? l) 0 (+ 1 (len (rest l)))))))]) (lenX lenX))]) (len (list 1 2 3))) ;; To fix the infinit loop caused by binding the self-application to len => delay its evaluation by wraping it in a lambda (let ([len (let ([lenX (lambda (lenX) (let ([len (lambda (n) ((lenX lenX) n))]) (lambda (l) (if (empty? l) 0 (+ 1 (len (rest l)))))))]) (lenX lenX))]) (len (list 1 2 3))) ;`sum-l (let ([sum-l (let ([sumX (lambda (sumX) (let ([sum-l (lambda (n) ((sumX sumX) n))]) (lambda (l) (if (empty? l) 0 (+ (first l) (sum-l (rest l)))))))]) (sumX sumX))]) (sum-l (list 1 2 3))) (define-type Value (numV [n : Number]) (closV [arg : Symbol] [body : Exp] [env : Env])) (define-type Exp (numE [n : Number]) (idE [s : Symbol]) (plusE [l : Exp] [r : Exp]) (lamE [n : Symbol] [body : Exp]) (appE [fun : Exp] [arg : Exp]) (if0E [tst : Exp] [thn : Exp] [els : Exp])) (define-type Binding (bind [name : Symbol] [val : Value])) (define-type-alias Env (Listof Binding)) (define mt-env empty) (define extend-env cons) (module+ test (print-only-errors #t)) ;; parse ---------------------------------------- (define (parse [s : S-Exp]) : Exp (cond ;; Encoding lists (in terms of pairs): [(s-exp-match? `empty s) (parse `{pair 0 0})] [(s-exp-match? `{empty? ANY} s) (let ([input-list-s (second (s-exp->list s))]) (parse `{fst ,input-list-s}))] [(s-exp-match? `{cons? ANY} s) (let ([input-list-s (second (s-exp->list s))]) (parse `{if0 {fst ,input-list-s} 1 0}))] [(s-exp-match? `{first ANY} s) (let ([input-list-s (second (s-exp->list s))]) (parse `{fst {snd ,input-list-s}}))] [(s-exp-match? `{rest ANY} s) (let ([input-list-s (second (s-exp->list s))]) (parse `{snd {snd ,input-list-s}}))] [(s-exp-match? `{cons ANY ANY} s) (let ([first-s (second (s-exp->list s))] [second-s (third (s-exp->list s))]) (parse `{pair 1 {pair ,first-s ,second-s}}))] ;; Encoding pairs (in terms of lambdas): [(s-exp-match? `{pair ANY ANY} s) (let ([first-s (second (s-exp->list s))] [second-s (third (s-exp->list s))]) (parse `{lambda {s} {if0 s ,first-s ,second-s}}))] [(s-exp-match? `{fst ANY} s) (let ([inputPair (second (s-exp->list s))]) (parse `{,inputPair 0}))] [(s-exp-match? `{snd ANY} s) (let ([inputPair (second (s-exp->list s))]) (parse `{,inputPair 1}))] ;; Encoding booleans (in terms of lambdas): [(s-exp-match? `false s) (parse `{lambda {x} {lambda {y} y}})] [(s-exp-match? `true s) (parse `{lambda {x} {lambda {y} x}})] [(s-exp-match? `{if ANY ANY ANY} s) (let ([tst-s (second (s-exp->list s))] [thn-s (third (s-exp->list s))] [els-s (fourth (s-exp->list s))]) (parse `{{,tst-s ,thn-s} ,els-s}) #; (appE (appE (parse tst-s) (parse thn-s)) (parse els-s)))] ;; Original forms [(s-exp-match? `NUMBER s) (numE (s-exp->number s))] [(s-exp-match? `SYMBOL s) (idE (s-exp->symbol s))] [(s-exp-match? `{+ ANY ANY} s) (plusE (parse (second (s-exp->list s))) (parse (third (s-exp->list s))))] [(s-exp-match? `{let {[SYMBOL ANY]} ANY} s) (let ([bs (s-exp->list (first (s-exp->list (second (s-exp->list s)))))]) (appE (lamE (s-exp->symbol (first bs)) (parse (third (s-exp->list s)))) (parse (second bs))))] [(s-exp-match? `{lambda {SYMBOL} ANY} s) (lamE (s-exp->symbol (first (s-exp->list (second (s-exp->list s))))) (parse (third (s-exp->list s))))] [(s-exp-match? `{if0 ANY ANY ANY} s) (if0E (parse (second (s-exp->list s))) (parse (third (s-exp->list s))) (parse (fourth (s-exp->list s))))] [(s-exp-match? `{ANY ANY} s) (appE (parse (first (s-exp->list s))) (parse (second (s-exp->list s))))] [else (error 'parse "invalid input")])) (module+ test (test (parse `2) (numE 2)) (test (parse `x) ; note: backquote instead of normal quote (idE 'x)) (test (parse `{+ 2 1}) (plusE (numE 2) (numE 1))) (test (parse `{+ {+ 3 4} 8}) (plusE (plusE (numE 3) (numE 4)) (numE 8))) (test (parse `{let {[x {+ 1 2}]} y}) (appE (lamE 'x (idE 'y)) (plusE (numE 1) (numE 2)))) (test (parse `{lambda {x} 9}) (lamE 'x (numE 9))) (test (parse `{if0 1 2 3}) (if0E (numE 1) (numE 2) (numE 3))) (test (parse `{double 9}) (appE (idE 'double) (numE 9))) (test/exn (parse `{{+ 1 2}}) "invalid input")) ;; interp ---------------------------------------- (define (interp [a : Exp] [env : Env]) : Value (type-case Exp a [(numE n) (numV n)] [(idE s) (lookup s env)] [(plusE l r) (num+ (interp l env) (interp r env))] [(lamE n body) (closV n body env)] [(appE fun arg) (type-case Value (interp fun env) [(closV n body c-env) (interp body (extend-env (bind n (interp arg env)) c-env))] [else (error 'interp "not a function")])] [(if0E tst thn els) (interp (if (num-zero? (interp tst env)) thn els) env)])) (module+ test (test (interp (parse `2) mt-env) (numV 2)) (test/exn (interp (parse `x) mt-env) "free variable") (test (interp (parse `x) (extend-env (bind 'x (numV 9)) mt-env)) (numV 9)) (test (interp (parse `{+ 2 1}) mt-env) (numV 3)) (test (interp (parse `{+ {+ 2 3} {+ 5 8}}) mt-env) (numV 18)) (test (interp (parse `{lambda {x} {+ x x}}) mt-env) (closV 'x (plusE (idE 'x) (idE 'x)) mt-env)) (test (interp (parse `{let {[x 5]} {+ x x}}) mt-env) (numV 10)) (test (interp (parse `{let {[x 5]} {let {[x {+ 1 x}]} {+ x x}}}) mt-env) (numV 12)) (test (interp (parse `{let {[x 5]} {let {[y 6]} x}}) mt-env) (numV 5)) (test (interp (parse `{{lambda {x} {+ x x}} 8}) mt-env) (numV 16)) (test (interp (parse `{if0 0 2 3}) mt-env) (numV 2)) (test (interp (parse `{if0 1 2 3}) mt-env) (numV 3)) (test/exn (interp (parse `{1 2}) mt-env) "not a function") (test/exn (interp (parse `{+ 1 {lambda {x} x}}) mt-env) "not a number") (test/exn (interp (parse `{if0 {lambda {x} x} 2 3}) mt-env) "not a number") (test/exn (interp (parse `{let {[bad {lambda {x} {+ x y}}]} {let {[y 5]} {bad 2}}}) mt-env) "free variable")) ;; num+ ---------------------------------------- (define (num-op [op : (Number Number -> Number)] [l : Value] [r : Value]) : Value (cond [(and (numV? l) (numV? r)) (numV (op (numV-n l) (numV-n r)))] [else (error 'interp "not a number")])) (define (num+ [l : Value] [r : Value]) : Value (num-op + l r)) (define (num-zero? [v : Value]) : Boolean (type-case Value v [(numV n) (zero? n)] [else (error 'interp "not a number")])) (module+ test (test (num+ (numV 1) (numV 2)) (numV 3)) (test (num-zero? (numV 0)) #t) (test (num-zero? (numV 1)) #f)) ;; lookup ---------------------------------------- (define (lookup [n : Symbol] [env : Env]) : Value (type-case (Listof Binding) env [empty (error 'lookup "free variable")] [(cons b rst-env) (cond [(symbol=? n (bind-name b)) (bind-val b)] [else (lookup n rst-env)])])) (module+ test (test/exn (lookup 'x mt-env) "free variable") (test (lookup 'x (extend-env (bind 'x (numV 8)) mt-env)) (numV 8)) (test (lookup 'x (extend-env (bind 'x (numV 9)) (extend-env (bind 'x (numV 8)) mt-env))) (numV 9)) (test (lookup 'y (extend-env (bind 'x (numV 9)) (extend-env (bind 'y (numV 8)) mt-env))) (numV 8))) ;; ---------------------------------------- ;; Some encoding tests (module+ test (test (interp (parse `{if true 1 2}) mt-env) (numV 1)) (test (interp (parse `{if false 1 2}) mt-env) (numV 2)) (test (interp (parse `{fst {pair 3 4}}) mt-env) (numV 3)) (test (interp (parse `{snd {pair 3 4}}) mt-env) (numV 4)) (test (interp (parse `{empty? empty}) mt-env) (numV 0)) (test (interp (parse `{empty? {cons 1 empty}}) mt-env) (numV 1)) (test (interp (parse `{cons? {cons 1 empty}}) mt-env) (numV 0)) (test (interp (parse `{cons? empty}) mt-env) (numV 1)) (test (interp (parse `{first {rest {cons 10 {cons 20 empty}}}}) mt-env) (numV 20)) (test (interp (parse `{empty? {rest {rest {cons 10 {cons 20 empty}}}}}) mt-env) (numV 0)))