Due: Tuesday, January 24th, 2012 9:10am
Handin four files for this assignment, one for each part.
Use this code as swapint.c:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* define a swap function here .... */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { int a = atoi(argv[1]); int b = atoi(argv[2]); swap(&a, &b); printf("%d\n", a); printf("%d\n", b); return 0; }
Implement swap so that the resulting program takes two small integers on the command line and prints them in reverse order.
Use this code as swapstr.c:
#include <stdio.h> /* define swap .... */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { char* a = argv[1]; char* b = argv[2]; swap(&a, &b); printf("%s\n", a); printf("%s\n", b); return 0; }
Implement swap so that the resulting program takes two command-line arguments (that can be anything) and prints them in reverse order.
Use this code as strcmp.c:
#include <stdio.h> int same_string(char* a, char* b) { .... } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (same_string(argv[1], "hello") == 0) printf("hi\n"); else printf("huh?\n"); return 0; }
Implement same_string so that it returns 0 if its arguments are the same string, 1 otherwise. The C language provides functions like strcmp and strlen, but don’t use them.
Write a program count.c that counts the total number of characters in all command-line arguments. The program should prints out the count.
Examples, assuming that the program is compiled as count:
% ./count a b c 3 % ./count a bbb c 5 % ./count a "b x y z" cc 10
Last update: Tuesday, January 24th, 2012mflatt@cs.utah.edu |