CS 1410-20: Object-Oriented Programming
Computer Science I for Hackers
Fall 2011   MWF 10:45-11:35   WEB 1450
Matthew Flatt (mflatt@cs.utah.edu), Instructor
Simon Williams (Simon.Williams@utah.edu), TA

Course Content

Syllabus (or pdf)
Schedule/Homework Page
How to Design Programs (contents)
How to Design Programs, Second Edition

Programming Environment

We'll use the DrRacket programming environment, version 5.1.2 or later.

Configuration: When using DrRacket the first time, use the Choose Language... menu item, click How to Design Programs in the list, and select Beginning Student.

To submit homework, you must install an extra package for DrRacket:


To install, select Install .plt File... within DrRacket and either provide the above URL or select a downloaded copy from your filesystem. Then restart DrRacket.

After restarting DrRacket, a Handin button will be available for submitting homework assignments. You must create a special handin account, as described for HW 0.

Mailing Lists

Students must subscribe to this list. It is used by the teaching staff for class announcements, such as homework clarifications. To sign up for this list, visit https://sympa.eng.utah.edu/sympa/info/cs1410-20

Office Hours

Monday1:00-2:00 Matthew MEB 3458
Monday3:00-5:00 Simon CADE (WEB L224)
Thursday1:00-3:00 Simon CADE (WEB L224)

The University of Utah conforms to all standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you wish to qualify for exemptions under this act, notify the Center for Disabled Students Services, 160 Union.
Last update: Wednesday, November 30th, 2011