Sample Final Questions CS 1410-20 Fall 2011 A radar center must track flying objects. Every flying object has a position, which is expressed as three numbers for latitude, longitude, and altitude. Known objects also have an identifying string, while unknown objects have no identifier. Provide a data definition (suitable for use with Racket) for radar-tracked flying objects. ---------------------------------------- Provide a Java version of your data definition for radar-tracked flying objects. ---------------------------------------- A data definition: ; A blue is either ; - (make-small num num) ; - (make-medium num blue) (define-struct small (x y)) (define-struct medium (w z)) Provide enough examples to cover each case of data definition. ---------------------------------------- Provide a Racket template for the above data definition ---------------------------------------- Translate the preceding data definition to Java, and include template methods. You can omit class constructors. ---------------------------------------- Translate your Racket examples to Java examples. ---------------------------------------- Suppose we add a new variant to blue: ; A blue is either ; ... ; - (make-large blue blue num) ... (define-struct large (p q r)) Explain breifly but completely how the Racket template changes. ---------------------------------------- Here's a new data definition: ; A purple is either ; - num ; - (make-light purple) ; - (make-heavy purple purple) (define light (next)) (define heavy (left right)) Here's a broken function: ; purple-nums : purple -> list-of-num ; Returns a list of all numbers in p (define (purple-nums p) (cond [(light? p) (purple-nums (light-next p))] [else (cond [(number? (heavy-left p)) (cons (heavy-left p) (purple-nums (heavy-right p)))] [else (cons (purple-nums p) (purple-nums (heavy-right p)))])])) Because the implementation fails to follow the data definition in two essential ways, "purple-nums" doesn't work. - What are the two ways in which the function is broken? - Provide two example purples, one to expose each problem: ---------------------------------------- The following Java code implements the same data structure and function: // Assume a NList class for lists of numbers: interface NList { ... NList scaleNums(int factor); } class NEmpty implements NList { NEmpty() {} ... } class NCons implements NList { NCons(int first, NList rest) { ...} ... } interface Purple { // Sums all of the numbers in this purple NList nums(); } class NumPurple implements Purple { int n; NumPurple(int n) { this.n = n; } NList nums() { return this.n; } } class LightPurple implements Purple { private Purple next; LightPurple(Purple next) { = next; } NList nums() { return; } } class HeavyPurple implements Purple { Purple left; Purple right; HeavyPurple(Purple left, Purple right) { this.left = left; this.right = right; } NList nums() { return new NCons(this.left.nums(), this.right.nums()); } } - The code has two type errors (i.e., contract violations that are detected before running). What are the two problems? - Suggest a way to fix the type errors and also make the method meet its purpose. ---------------------------------------- Extend the LightPurple class to implement ScaleLightPurple: - A ScaleLightPurple has a Purple (like all LightPurples) but also an integer that scales all of the ints in the next purple. - Clearly, the ScaleLightPurple class must override the nums() method. Note that the next field in LightPurple is private, which means that it cannot be accessed outside the enclosing `class' form. - Include also a setScale() method in ScaleLightPurple for setting the scale of the purple. The setScale() method changes the purple, rather than producing a new purple (so it returns void). ---------------------------------------- Purple p1 = new ScaleLightPurple(new NumPurple(12), 2); ScaleLightPurple p2 = p1; p1.setScale(1); p2.setScale(3); p2.nums() The types don't match in this code. In what two places must a cast be inserted to make the contracts match? What is the result of the last expression? ---------------------------------------- Suppose that we drop ScaleLightPurple, but we add a Combiner interface declaration to the above program and a combine method as follows: interface Combiner { T combine(int n, T o); } interface Purple { ... T combineNums(Combiner c, T base); } class NumPurple implements Purple { ... T combine(Combiner c, T base) { return c.combine(this.n, base); } } class LightPurple implements Purple { ... T combine(Combiner c, T base) { return, base); } } class HeavyPurple implements Purple { ... T combine(Combiner c, T base) { this.left.combine(c, this.right.combine(c, base)); } } Note that, given class Conser implements Combiner { NList combine(int n, NList l) { return new NCons(n, l); } } then for any Purple p, p.combine(new Conser(), new NEmpty()) is the same as p.nums() Define a class MaxFinder that implements Combiner for finding the maximum positive integer in a Purple (or 0 if the Purple contains no positive integers). Use class Integer { int i; Integer(int i) { this.i = i; } int intValue() { return this.i; } } and the result of p.combine(new MaxFinder(), new Integer(0)) should be an instance of Integer.