0. Download Eclipse; choose the "Eclipse for Java Programmers" variant. 1. Start Eclipse. 2. Pick a workspace. 3. If you get the welcome screen, click the "Go to Workbench" icons on the right. It will only appear the first time you use the workspace. 4. Create a new Java Project by clicking the icon in the top left of the workspace window. Name it whatever you like. 5. Download http://www.eng.utah.edu/~cs1410-20/tester.jar and put it somewhere permanently. 6. Select "Properties" from the "Project" menu. Select the "Java Build Path" panel. Click the "Libraries" tab. Click "Add External Jar...". Select "tester.jar" at the place where you saved it. Click "Ok". 7. Click the circle "C" with a plus on it to create a new Java class file. For our current purposes, "Examples" is a good name for the class (file). The newly created file will have an "Examples" class for you. You can delete "public" if you want, or you can leave it in place. 8. Add import tester.*; to the beginning of the file. 9. Click the "Run" icon, which looks like a Play button. When Eclipse asks, you want to run as a "Java Application" (and not a "Java Applet"). Another list will appear. Pick "Main - tester". Click through the save-as dialog. You should see --------------------------------- Tests for the class: Examples Tester Prima v.1.4.1 - 5 October 2010 ---------------------------------- in a console.