Due: Wednesday, September 6th, 2017 11:59pm
Start with the interpreter with environments, and add a max operator that takes two numbers and returns the larger of them.
Since you must change the ExprC datatype, and since different people may change it in different ways, you must update the parse function, which accepts an S-expression and produces an ExprC value.
Some examples:
(test (interp (parse '{max 1 2}) mt-env (list)) 2) (test (interp (parse '{max {+ 4 5} {+ 2 3}}) mt-env (list)) 9)
Note: The fact that quoting an identifier produces a symbol instead of an s-exp is inconvenient, because it means that (parse 'x) doesn’t work. You could use (parse (symbol->s-exp 'x)), but a more readable trick is to use a backquote insted of a normal quote: (parse `x). A backquote always produces an s-exp. It also allows an escape back out of quoting, but we don’t need that feature, yet.
Add an unlet form that hides the nearest visible binding (if any) of a specified variable, but lets other bindings through. For example,
{let {[x 1]} {unlet x x}}
should raise a “free variable” exception, but
{let {[x 1]} {let {[x 2]} {unlet x x}}}
should produce 1.
As before, you must update the parse function.
Some examples:
(test/exn (interp (parse '{let {[x 1]} {unlet x x}}) mt-env (list)) "free variable") (test (interp (parse '{let {[x 1]} {+ x {unlet x 1}}}) mt-env (list)) 2) (test (interp (parse '{let {[x 1]} {let {[x 2]} {+ x {unlet x x}}}}) mt-env (list)) 3) (test (interp (parse '{let {[x 1]} {let {[x 2]} {let {[z 3]} {+ x {unlet x {+ x z}}}}}}) mt-env (list)) 6) (test (interp (parse '{f 2}) mt-env (list (parse-fundef '{define {f z} {let {[z 8]} {unlet z z}}}))) 2)
Extend the interpreter to support multiple or zero arguments to a function, and multiple or zero arguments in a function call.
For example,
{define {area w h} {* w h}}
defines a function that takes two arguments, while
{define {five} 5}
defines a function that takes zero arguments. Similarly,
{area 3 4}
calls the function area with two arguments, while
calls the function five with zero arguments.
At run-time, a new error is now possible: function application with the wrong number of arguments. Your interp function should detect the mismatch and report an error that includes the words “wrong arity”.
To support functions with multiple arguments, you’ll have to change fdC and appC and all tests that use them. When you update the parse function, note that s-exp-match? supports ... in a pattern to indicate zero or more repetitions of the preceding pattern. Beware of putting the multi-argument application pattern too early in parse, since that pattern is likely to match other forms. In addition, you’ll need to update the parse-fundef function that takes one quoted define form and produces a FunDefC value.
Some examples:
(test (interp (parse '{f 1 2}) mt-env (list (parse-fundef '{define {f x y} {+ x y}}))) 3) (test (interp (parse '{+ {f} {f}}) mt-env (list (parse-fundef '{define {f} 5}))) 10) (test/exn (interp (parse '{f 1}) mt-env (list (parse-fundef '{define {f x y} {+ x y}}))) "wrong arity")
A function would be ill-defined if two of its argument names were the same. To prevent this problem, your parse-fundef function can optionally detect this problem and report a “bad syntax” error. For example, (parse-fundef '{define {f x x} x}) could report a “bad syntax” error, while (parse-fundef '{define {f x y} x}) should produce a FunDefC value.
Remember that plai-typed provides the following useful functions:
Last update: Wednesday, August 30th, 2017mflatt@cs.utah.edu |