Due: Wednesday, November 9th, 2016 11:59pm
Note that the due date is after the midterm.
Start with typed-lambda.rkt. The implementation already includes a bool type, but no expressions of bool type.
Add support for true, false, {= <Expr> <Expr>}, and {if <Expr> <Expr> <Expr>} expressions, where = produces a boolean given two numbers, and if requires a boolean expression for the test.
(test (interp (parse '{if {= 13 {if {= 1 {+ -1 2}} 12 13}} 4 5}) mt-env) (numV 5)) (test (typecheck (parse '{= 13 {if {= 1 {+ -1 2}} 12 13}}) mt-env) (boolT)) (test/exn (typecheck (parse '{+ 1 {if true true false}}) mt-env) "no type")
Implement {cons <Expr> <Expr>}, {first <Expr>}, and {rest <Expr>} expressions, as well as {<Type> * <Type>} types, as shown in video 10.
Examples (some of which depend on a choice of constructor and may not apply directly to your implementation):
(test (interp (parse '{cons 10 8}) mt-env) ;; Your constructor might be different than consV: (consV (numV 10) (numV 8))) (test (interp (parse '{first {cons 10 8}}) mt-env) (numV 10)) (test (interp (parse '{rest {cons 10 8}}) mt-env) (numV 8)) (test (typecheck (parse '{cons 10 8}) mt-env) ;; Your constructor might be different than crossT: (crossT (numT) (numT))) (test (typecheck (parse '{first {cons 10 8}}) mt-env) (numT)) (test (typecheck (parse '{+ 1 {rest {cons 10 8}}}) mt-env) (numT)) (test (typecheck (parse '{lambda {[x : (num * bool)]} {first x}}) mt-env) ;; Your constructor might be different than crossT: (arrowT (crossT (numT) (boolT)) (numT))) (test (typecheck (parse '{{lambda {[x : (num * bool)]} {first x}} {cons 1 false}}) mt-env) (numT)) (test (typecheck (parse '{{lambda {[x : (num * bool)]} {rest x}} {cons 1 false}}) mt-env) (boolT)) (test/exn (typecheck (parse '{first 10}) mt-env) "no type") (test/exn (typecheck (parse '{+ 1 {first {cons false 8}}}) mt-env) "no type") (test/exn (typecheck (parse '{lambda {[x : (num * bool)]} {if {first x} 1 2}}) mt-env) "no type")
With pairs, functions can accept multiple arguments by accepting paired values, but we can also add direct support for multiple arguments.
Change the interpreter to allow multiple function arguments and multiple arguments at function calls. The grammar of the language is now as follows (not counting the let sugar, which you do not have to change):
<Expr> = <Num> | true | false | {+ <Expr> <Expr>} | {* <Expr> <Expr>} | {= <Expr> <Expr>} | <Sym> | {if <Expr> <Expr> <Expr>} | {lambda {[<Sym> : <Type>]*} <Expr>} | {<Expr> <Expr>*} | {cons <Expr> <Expr>} | {first <Expr>} | {rest <Expr>}
(test (interp (parse '{{lambda {} 10}}) mt-env) (numV 10)) (test (interp (parse '{{lambda {[x : num] [y : num]} {+ x y}} 10 20}) mt-env) (numV 30)) (test (typecheck (parse '{{lambda {[x : num] [y : bool]} y} 10 false}) mt-env) (boolT)) (test/exn (typecheck (parse '{{lambda {[x : num] [y : bool]} y} false 10}) mt-env) "no type")
Last update: Tuesday, November 15th, 2016mflatt@cs.utah.edu |