#lang shplait // Start with "letrec_ubi.rhm". // Add support for `block` plus `def` with to have multiple `def`s, // where the right-hand side of each `def` can see all the other // defined names. // A `letrec` form corresponds to a `block` with one `def`, so just // use the same representation internally. It's simplest and easiest // to start by changing `letrecE` to support multiple names and // multiple right-hand sides. module test: check: interp(parse('block: def even = (fun (n): if n == 0 | 1 | odd(n + -1)) def odd = (fun (n): if n == 0 | 0 | even(n + -1)) odd(21)'), mt_env) ~is intV(1) check: parse('block: def even = 1 def odd = 2 3') ~is letrecE([#'even, #'odd], [intE(1), intE(2)], intE(3)) check: interp(parse('block: def even = (fun (n): if n == 0 | 1 | odd(n + -1)) def odd = (fun (n): if n == 0 | 0 | even(n + -1)) odd(20)'), mt_env) ~is intV(0) type Value | intV(n :: Int) | closV(arg :: Symbol, body :: Exp, env :: Env) type Exp | intE(n :: Int) | idE(s :: Symbol) | plusE(l :: Exp, r :: Exp) | multE(l :: Exp, r :: Exp) | funE(n :: Symbol, body :: Exp) | appE(fn :: Exp, arg :: Exp) | if0E(tst :: Exp, thn :: Exp, els :: Exp) | letrecE(ns :: Listof(Symbol), rhss :: Listof(Exp), body :: Exp) type Binding | bind(name :: Symbol, val :: Boxof(Optionof(Value))) type Env = Listof(Binding) def mt_env = [] def extend_env = cons // parse ---------------------------------------- fun parse(s :: Syntax) :: Exp: cond | syntax_is_integer(s): intE(syntax_to_integer(s)) | syntax_is_symbol(s): idE(syntax_to_symbol(s)) | ~else: match s | 'block: def $n = $rhs ... $body': letrecE(map(syntax_to_symbol, (syntax_to_list('[$n, ...]'))), map(parse, (syntax_to_list('[$rhs, ...]'))), parse(body)) | 'if $tst == 0 | $thn | $els': if0E(parse(tst), parse(thn), parse(els)) | 'letrec $name = $rhs: $body': letrecE([syntax_to_symbol(name)], [parse(rhs)], parse(body)) | 'let $name = $rhs: $body': appE(funE(syntax_to_symbol(name), parse(body)), parse(rhs)) | '$left + $right': plusE(parse(left), parse(right)) | '$left * $right': multE(parse(left), parse(right)) | 'fun ($id): $body': funE(syntax_to_symbol(id), parse(body)) | '$fn($arg)': appE(parse(fn), parse(arg)) | '($e)': parse(e) | ~else: error(#'parse, "invalid input: " +& s) module test: check: parse('2') ~is intE(2) check: parse('x') ~is idE(#'x) check: parse('2 + 1') ~is plusE(intE(2), intE (1)) check: parse('3 * 4') ~is multE(intE(3), intE(4)) check: parse('3 * 4 + 8') ~is plusE(multE(intE(3), intE(4)), intE(8)) check: parse('fun (x): 9') ~is funE(#'x, intE(9)) check: parse('double(9)') ~is appE(idE(#'double), intE(9)) check: parse('1 + double(9)') ~is plusE(intE(1), appE(idE(#'double), intE(9))) check: parse('3 * (4 + 8)') ~is multE(intE(3), plusE(intE(4), intE(8))) check: parse('let x = 1 + 2: y') ~is appE(funE(#'x, idE(#'y)), plusE(intE(1), intE(2))) check: parse('if 1 == 0 | 2 | 3') ~is if0E(intE(1), intE(2), intE(3)) check: parse('letrec x = 1 + 2: y') ~is letrecE([#'x], [plusE(intE(1), intE(2))], idE(#'y)) check: parse('1 2') ~raises "invalid input" // interp ---------------------------------------- fun interp(a :: Exp, env :: Env) :: Value: match a | intE(n): intV(n) | idE(s): lookup(s, env) | plusE(l, r): num_plus(interp(l, env), interp(r, env)) | multE(l, r): num_mult(interp(l, env), interp(r, env)) | funE(n, body): closV(n, body, env) | appE(fn, arg): match interp(fn, env) | closV(n, body, c_env): interp(body, let val = interp(arg, env): extend_env(bind(n, box(some(val))), c_env)) | ~else: error(#'interp, "not a function") | if0E(tst, thn, els): match interp(tst, env) | intV(n): if n == 0 | interp(thn, env) | interp(els, env) | ~else: error(#'interp, "not a number") | letrecE(ns, rhss, body): let bs = map(fun (rhs): box(none()) , rhss): let new_env = append(map2(fun (n, b) : bind(n, b), ns, bs), env): def ress = map2(fun (b, rhs): set_box(b, some(interp(rhs, new_env))), bs, rhss) interp(body, new_env) #// | letrecE(ns, rhss, body): let bs = map(fun (rhs): box(none()) , rhss): let new_env = append(map2(fun (n, b) : bind(n, b), ns, bs), env): def vals = map(fun (rhs): interp(rhs, new_env), rhss) def ress = map2(fun (b, val): set_box(b, some(val)), bs, vals) interp(body, new_env) module test: check: interp(parse('block: def x = 2 def y = x x + y'), mt_env) ~is intV(4) module test: check: interp(parse('2'), mt_env) ~is intV(2) check: interp(parse('x'), mt_env) ~raises "free variable" check: interp(parse('x'), extend_env(bind(#'x, box(some(intV(9)))), mt_env)) ~is intV(9) check: interp(parse('2 + 1'), mt_env) ~is intV(3) check: interp(parse('2 * 1'), mt_env) ~is intV(2) check: interp(parse('(2 * 3) + (5 + 8)'), mt_env) ~is intV(19) check: interp(parse('fun (x): x + x'), mt_env) ~is closV(#'x, plusE(idE(#'x), idE(#'x)), mt_env) check: interp(parse('let x = 5: x + x'), mt_env) ~is intV(10) check: interp(parse('let x = 5: let x = x + 1: x + x'), mt_env) ~is intV(12) check: interp(parse('let x = 5: let y = 6: x'), mt_env) ~is intV(5) check: interp(parse('(fun (x): x + x)(8)'), mt_env) ~is intV(16) check: interp(parse('if 1 == 0 | 2 | 3'), mt_env) ~is intV(3) check: interp(parse('if 0 == 0 | 2 | 3'), mt_env) ~is intV(2) check: interp(parse('letrec x = 5: x + x'), mt_env) ~is intV(10) check: interp(parse('letrec fac = (fun (x): if x == 0 | 1 | x * fac(x + -1)): fac(5)'), mt_env) ~is intV(120) check: interp(parse('1(2)'), mt_env) ~raises "not a function" check: interp(parse('1 + (fun (x): x)'), mt_env) ~raises "not a number" check: interp(parse('let bad = (fun (x): x + y): let y = 5: bad(2)'), mt_env) ~raises "free variable" check: interp(parse('if (fun (x): x) == 0 | 2 | 3'), mt_env) ~raises "not a number" check: interp(parse('letrec x = x: x'), mt_env) ~raises "use before initialization" // num_plus and num_mult ---------------------------------------- fun num_op(op :: (Int, Int) -> Int, l :: Value, r :: Value) :: Value: cond | l is_a intV && r is_a intV: intV(op(intV.n(l), intV.n(r))) | ~else: error(#'interp, "not a number") fun num_plus(l :: Value, r :: Value) :: Value: num_op(fun (a, b): a+b, l, r) fun num_mult(l :: Value, r :: Value) :: Value: num_op(fun (a, b): a*b, l, r) module test: check: num_plus(intV(1), intV(2)) ~is intV(3) check: num_mult(intV(3), intV(2)) ~is intV(6) // lookup ---------------------------------------- fun lookup(n :: Symbol, env :: Env) :: Value: match env | []: error(#'lookup, "free variable: " +& n) | cons(b, rst_env): cond | n == bind.name(b): match unbox(bind.val(b)) | none(): error(#'lookup, "use before initialization: " +& n) | some(v): v | ~else: lookup(n, rst_env) module test: check: lookup(#'x, mt_env) ~raises "free variable" check: lookup(#'x, extend_env(bind(#'x, box(some(intV(8)))), mt_env)) ~is intV(8) check: lookup(#'x, extend_env(bind(#'x, box(some(intV(9)))), extend_env(bind(#'x, box(some(intV(8)))), mt_env))) ~is intV(9) check: lookup(#'y, extend_env(bind(#'x, box(some(intV(9)))), extend_env(bind(#'y, box(some(intV(8)))), mt_env))) ~is intV(8) check: lookup(#'x, extend_env(bind(#'x, box(none())), mt_env)) ~raises "use before initialization"