#lang shplait // Make all "class.rhm" definitions available here, where // the "class.rhm" file must be in the same directory // as this one: import: open: "class.rhm" type ExpI | intI(n :: Int) | plusI(lhs :: ExpI, rhs :: ExpI) | multI(lhs :: ExpI, rhs :: ExpI) | argI() | thisI() | newI(class_name :: Symbol, args :: Listof(ExpI)) | getI(obj_exp :: ExpI, field_name :: Symbol) | sendI(obj_exp :: ExpI, method_name :: Symbol, arg_exp :: ExpI) | superI(method_name :: Symbol, arg_exp :: ExpI) type ClassI | classI(super_name :: Symbol, field_names :: Listof(Symbol), methods :: Listof(Symbol * ExpI)) // ---------------------------------------- // Convert an `ExpI` to `Exp`, which means resolving super // calls to static sends fun exp_i_to_c(a :: ExpI, super_name :: Symbol) :: Exp: block: fun recur(exp): exp_i_to_c(exp, super_name) match a | intI(n): intE(n) | plusI(l, r): plusE(recur(l), recur(r)) | multI(l, r): multE(recur(l), recur(r)) | argI(): argE() | thisI(): thisE() | newI(class_name, field_exps): newE(class_name, map(recur, field_exps)) | getI(exp, field_name): getE(recur(exp), field_name) | sendI(exp, method_name, arg_exp): sendE(recur(exp), method_name, recur(arg_exp)) | superI(method_name, arg_exp): ssendE(thisE(), super_name, method_name, recur(arg_exp)) module test: check: exp_i_to_c(intI(10), #'Object) ~is intE(10) check: exp_i_to_c(plusI(intI(10), intI(2)), #'Object) ~is plusE(intE(10), intE(2)) check: exp_i_to_c(multI(intI(10), intI(2)), #'Object) ~is multE(intE(10), intE(2)) check: exp_i_to_c(argI(), #'Object) ~is argE() check: exp_i_to_c(thisI(), #'Object) ~is thisE() check: exp_i_to_c (newI(#'Object, [intI(1)]), #'Object) ~is newE(#'Object, [intE(1)]) check: exp_i_to_c(getI(intI(1), #'x), #'Object) ~is getE(intE(1), #'x) check: exp_i_to_c(sendI(intI(1), #'mdist, intI(2)), #'Object) ~is sendE(intE(1), #'mdist, intE(2)) check: exp_i_to_c(superI(#'mdist, intI(2)), #'Posn) ~is ssendE(thisE(), #'Posn, #'mdist, intE(2)) // ---------------------------------------- // Convert a class's expressions using `exp_i_to_c`, but // don't yet try to merge inherited methods onto the class fun class_i_to_c_not_flat(c :: ClassI) :: Class: match c | classI(super_name, field_names, methods): classC(field_names, map(fun (m): values(fst(m), exp_i_to_c(snd(m), super_name)), methods)) module test: def posn3d_mdist_i_method: values(#'mdist, plusI(getI(thisI(), #'z), superI(#'mdist, argI()))) def posn3d_mdist_c_method: values(#'mdist, plusE(getE(thisE(), #'z), ssendE(thisE(), #'Posn, #'mdist, argE()))) def posn3d_i_class: values(#'Posn3D, classI(#'Posn, [#'z], [posn3d_mdist_i_method])) def posn3d_c_class_not_flat: values(#'Posn3D, classC([#'z], [posn3d_mdist_c_method])) check: class_i_to_c_not_flat(snd(posn3d_i_class)) ~is snd(posn3d_c_class_not_flat) // ---------------------------------------- // Convert a class without inherited methods into one that // has all inherited methods; we need to find a class by // name in a list of ones processed by `exp_i_to_c` (where // super calls have been resolved), but we also need the original // classes so that we can determine a class's superclass fun flatten_class(name :: Symbol, classes_not_flat :: Listof(Symbol * Class), i_classes :: Listof(Symbol * ClassI)) :: Class: match find(classes_not_flat, name) | classC(field_names, methods): match flatten_super(name, classes_not_flat, i_classes) | classC(super_field_names, super_methods): classC(add_fields(super_field_names, field_names), add_or_replace_methods(super_methods, methods)) // To merge methods from a superclass, we want a flattened version // of the superclass, which takes care of a supersuperclass, etc. fun flatten_super(name :: Symbol, classes_not_flat :: Listof(Symbol * Class), i_classes :: Listof(Symbol * ClassI)) :: Class: match find(i_classes, name) | classI(super_name, field_names, i_methods): if super_name == #'Object | classC([], []) | flatten_class(super_name, classes_not_flat, i_classes) module test: def posn_i_class: values(#'Posn, classI(#'Object, [#'x, #'y], [values(#'mdist, plusI(getI(thisI(), #'x), getI(thisI(), #'y))), values(#'addDist, plusI(sendI(thisI(), #'mdist, intI(0)), sendI(argI(), #'mdist, intI(0))))])) def addDist_c_method: values(#'addDist, plusE(sendE(thisE(), #'mdist, intE(0)), sendE(argE(), #'mdist, intE(0)))) def posn_c_class_not_flat: values(#'Posn, classC([#'x, #'y], [values(#'mdist, plusE(getE(thisE(), #'x), getE(thisE(), #'y))), addDist_c_method])) def posn3d_c_class: values(#'Posn3D, classC([#'x, #'y, #'z], [posn3d_mdist_c_method, addDist_c_method])) check: flatten_class(#'Posn3D, [posn_c_class_not_flat, posn3d_c_class_not_flat], [posn_i_class, posn3d_i_class]) ~is snd(posn3d_c_class) // ---------------------------------------- def add_fields = append // Merge a classes's methods with inherited methods fun add_or_replace_methods(methods :: Listof(Symbol * Exp), new_methods :: Listof(Symbol * Exp)) :: (Listof (Symbol * Exp)): match new_methods | []: methods | cons(fst_method, rst_new_methods): add_or_replace_methods(add_or_replace_method(methods, fst_method), rst_new_methods) // Replace a superclass method with `new_method`, or just add // `new_method` if there's no superclass method to replace fun add_or_replace_method(methods :: Listof(Symbol * Exp), new_method :: Symbol * Exp) :: (Listof (Symbol * Exp)): match methods | []: [new_method] | cons(fst_method, rst_methods): if fst(fst_method) == fst(new_method) | cons(new_method, rst_methods) | cons(fst_method, add_or_replace_method(rst_methods, new_method)) module test: check: add_fields([#'x, #'y], [#'z]) ~is [#'x, #'y, #'z] check: add_or_replace_methods([], []) ~is [] check: add_or_replace_methods([], [values(#'m, intE(0))]) ~is [values(#'m, intE(0))] check: add_or_replace_methods([values(#'m, intE(0))], []) ~is [values(#'m, intE(0))] check: add_or_replace_methods([values(#'m, intE(0))], [values(#'m, intE(1))]) ~is [values(#'m, intE(1))] check: add_or_replace_methods([values(#'m, intE(0)), values(#'n, intE(2))], [values(#'m, intE(1))]) ~is [values(#'m, intE(1)), values(#'n, intE(2))] check: add_or_replace_methods([values(#'m, intE(0))], [values(#'m, intE(1)), values(#'n, intE(2))]) ~is [values(#'m, intE(1)), values(#'n, intE(2))] check: add_or_replace_method([values(#'m, intE(0))], values(#'m, intE(1))) ~is [values(#'m, intE(1))] check: add_or_replace_method([values(#'m, intE(0))], values(#'n, intE(2))) ~is [values(#'m, intE(0)), values(#'n, intE(2))] // ---------------------------------------- // Interpret programs that use inheritance by converting to classes // without inheritance, and then interp the result of conversion fun interp_i(i_a :: ExpI, i_classes :: Listof(Symbol * ClassI)) :: Value: block: def a = exp_i_to_c(i_a, #'Object) def classes_not_flat: map(fun (i): values(fst(i), class_i_to_c_not_flat(snd(i))), i_classes) def classes: map(fun (c): let name = fst(c): values(name, flatten_class(name, classes_not_flat, i_classes)), classes_not_flat) interp(a, classes, objV(#'Object, []), intV(0)) module test: check: interp_i(intI(0), []) ~is intV(0) check: interp_i( sendI(newI(#'Posn3D, [intI(5), intI(3), intI(1)]), #'addDist, newI(#'Posn, [intI(2), intI(7)])), [posn_i_class, posn3d_i_class] ) ~is intV(18)